♥ I Miss my Gramz ♥ profile picture

♥ I Miss my Gramz ♥


About Me

R.I.P. Josephine Pietrarosso 1927-2007.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:Now she's my angel...I love you Gramz and I miss you so much. You will always be in my heart and I think about you all the time. I sometimes cry to myself for you because I just miss you so much. I have never cried over anyone as much as I cry for you. Sometimes I can sit and joke around about you and other times it hits me like WOAH, she's not here anymore. I know I didn't see you everyday, but I think I miss you more because I know I can't just go see you. Everything is just so surreal and I feel like none of this has happened. You are constantly on my mind Gram and I just wish I can see your cute face again. You are the best Grandma anyone can ever have and I had you. You are THE GRANDMA and you know how they say you never know what you have until it's gone? Well, I had you and I knew what I had and now that you are gone I still know what I have. I just feel like something is missing Gram and I don't know how to handle it sometimes. What makes me feel even worse is that you won't see the day that I get married or see my kids grow up. You would have been so proud and you would have been the greatest great grandmother anyone could have. You never know maybe I will get married in your church someday. I know you are in a better place, but you have such a huge chunk of my heart with you and you always will. Now you are in heaven with grandpa, happy again, watching over us. Well, so long for now and I can't wait to see you again up in the sky some day...I ♥ you XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO

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My Blog

Out of the country...

If you don't already know, I will be out of the country from December 18th thru January 8th and let me tell you I am pretty excited!i! It will be quite an experience...I am going with my bf and his fa...
Posted by ♥ I Miss my Gramz ♥ on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 07:32:00 PST

Something to Share...

Here is a little something that was posted as a bulletin and I thought it would be something to share with people. It is very sad, but true! *The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller...
Posted by ♥ I Miss my Gramz ♥ on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 06:20:00 PST

Looking back into reality...

Who ever said life was easy? Well, if anyone ever did they are a complete moron!!! Because it's not and I don't believe it ever will be...Tomorrow is never a promise and that is one of thing...
Posted by ♥ I Miss my Gramz ♥ on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:22:00 PST

Never Knew...

Hey guys!!! It's me :) I never really knew really what this whole blog deal was about up until a couple of days ago. It is pretty cool wouldn't you say? Kind of like a lil' diary you can write in when...
Posted by ♥ I Miss my Gramz ♥ on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 09:10:00 PST