i don't like fake. *i never get the things i want because i suck at asking for things. *i need to move to the country. any country. i'm tired of cement. *i love chocolate milk shakes. *i'm so over the drama. *i'm only a couple genomes away from the fainting goats. *i wish i could've been a Duke of Hazzard. *superpower: invisibility. no, seriously. *sometimes i wish life was a musical. *i'm grown up and still don't know what the hell to do with myself. *i can't name songs, bands or albums to save my life. i figure all my friends can, so i can skip that talent. *i am a big dork. *i have forsaken technology to play with plants, make art and put things in order. i am much better now. *i'm an old lady. start yer party early so's i can be in bed by 10, eh? *I dreamt in italian last night. apparently i really like trains... that, or i need to expand my vocabulary a bit. *i miss my cat. *i make tofu smell like beef. *what should i do next? *