It's hard to have interests right now because I'm in a master's program that's ridiculous but I love to go out with my friends (yes, I'm learning to throw darts well finally...) and sometimes I just love to chill out at home with the roomate...
Anyone interesting! I'm not picky!!!
Frank will always speak directly to me but I have a new found interest in bands such as Something Corporate, The Used, and The Starting Line (most will say I have finally developed an adequate taste in music!) and I have the newer friends to thank for that! I also have them to thank for getting me kicked out of these concerts!
I watch a movie every night when I go to sleep but I don't know that I have a favorite movie..although, Napoleon Dynamite makes me laugh lately!!!!
Anyone that knows me, knows that I am hooked on TV shows such as Law and Order and CSI-I watch them any chance I me a nerd, I don't
I love any murder mystery book....
Besides my parents, which are the most amazing people I know, my hero would have to be a professor of mine....she is a full-time professor working on her PhD and a full-time mom and she's totally amazing at everything she does!!! I would love to be half the person she is one day!