About Me
joe cassady and the west end sound:- "Called, "an alt-country innovator . . . in the tradition without being
derivative," New York based, Avenue A Records recording artists Joe
Cassady and The West End Sound, combine the best of the singer-songwriter
tradition with roots, Americana and modern rock forms. Their debut CD
What’s Your Sign? was named as one of the best CD’s of 2007 by editors of
USA Today and Soundstage! and was spun by legendary UK DJ Bob Harris on
his BBC2 radio show. The follow-up, 2009’s THE 47TH PROBLEM reached the
top 10 of the Euro-Americana Charts and has also received extensive
airplay in the U.S, Australia and South America. Founded in 2005 out of
Manhattan's Lower East Side by lead singer and songwriter, Joe Cassady,
Joe Cassady & The West End Sound are among the main protagonists in a
growing roots/rock music scene arising in the Big Apple.
'Village Sunsets' is a grass roots based series of gigs/events (Music, Comedy, radio etc) run by volunteers, bringing entertainment to the doorsteps of folk in aberdeenshire.
On this page you can get details of gigs (music, comedy, art) and our radio show (see player to the left)
All profits going to good causes and community projects (so far a large amount of money has been raised for the collieston amenities funds for the pier repairs, new hall and the like)
Details of previous shows below:-
show no 11 and final show - summer solstice show was a fare well to the village sunsets by having a selection from some of the best bits from the village sunsets so far. .
note from andy: "village sunsets is the only event of any kind in collieston that unites people and brings them together regardless, to enjoy themselves. its been an inspiration to me and from it a great band has sprung up (the oxbow lake orchestra) and some great friends. but this is a fragmented community wrought by pathetic in fighting and politics and I don't want to get in the middle of that and we've attracted so much petty jealousy due to our success. we've raised a load of money for the village and gave a lot of people a good time. let's leave it there". .
deviltrain headlining was a storming show with the audience jumping around for the whole set playing their unique brand of country rebel music tinged with ne humour. roberto cassani italian/scottish comedy minstrel was hilarious as always and the oxbow lake orcherstra (heavy with trad folk) really let rip. The open mic jamming gave some folk the chance to show there talent. that's what the village sunsets wanted to achieve so a special thanks to them. all in all a great night.
roberto cassani the office christmas party
deviltrain at belladrum festival
most recent show saw the oxbow lake orchestra stand in at the last minute and captured in 'night time' scope (?) by maria hall and jeremy.... "neanderthal blues"!
spring equinox 09 show no 10 - maria hall and band (including the sound man michael!) were stars, keeping us entertained through the night, with passion and roots the collieston audience loved them! Andy tucker and friends had car troubles so the oxbow lake orchestra stood in with a couple of hours notice (and without months of activity) to play one of their better shows all funked up with live jams and andy's wah wah pedal getting an airing! least said about the jani lang band the better....
show no 9 (newburgh) - 2008's village sunsets summer festival was held in newburgh and was also a belladrum tartan heart festival fringe event, with a showcase of international and local artists.
the Lorelei, lou vargo (from tennesseeeee), james brown is annie (from edinbuuuuuuurrrrg), the woodland roots orchestra, the oxbow lake orchestra and ruby and the emeralds
show no 8 (collieston) - sell out private event to celebrate billy and nicola's wedding. the brilliant samba sene and diwan, the superb roberto cassani and the local hero's deviltrain, entertained through the day by the oxbow lake orchestra
show no 7 (collieston) - sell out show celebrating st. patrick's, spring equinox and in memory of marge swan, with paddy rasta, cousti the hilarious duncan guthrie and stephanie laing and the oxbow lake orchestra
show no 6 (collieston) - sell out show was a celebration of caribbean culture... a kind of 'tropical' sunsets, to cheer up those dark mid-winter nights!, with
aka ska, macumba and a surprise guest the hilarious Roberto Cassani - see Ness MP3 site to download his album:-
show no 5 (collieston) - Autumnal sell out show with Samba Sene & diwan, Devil train and Fiddes
the oldest groover in collieston meets samba sene and diwan
show no 4 (collieston) - summer festival 07 with the moonshiners, diane cluck, roberto cassani (comedy), barry bliss and the box players plus photography by sue arber
show no 3 (collieston) - in the summer Belladrum 'tartan heart' festival fringe event with Nuru Kane and Jane Gillman
show no 2 (collieston) - summer solstice 07 sell out show with amy duncan and james grant (it was that rare thing - a 'sit down affair')
show no 1 (collieston) - spring 07 sell out show with Sophie Bancroft and the hell fire club
some of the notes from artists that have performed:-
Samba Sene and Diwan: Fantastic night on Sat; great fun for us and met loads of fantastic people. You guys sure know how to PARTY! Feel free to invite us back any time!
One love
Deviltrain:Quite simply the best gig, venue and crowd reception you are likely to find. Absolutley loved it, amazin experience and hope you will have us back
roberto cassani: "Hey folks,
had a ball gigging in your stunning village. You are amazing people and you sure know how to party.
Call me up anytime, I'll always find space for you!"
james grant: "It was a pleasure, I admire what you're trying to do up there and good luck with it.
They were a great crowd, they made it easy for me.
Like to see the place again sometime when the sun is shining, no guarantee of that, I know.."
amy duncan: "we had a lovely weekend, and I enjoyed playing in your lovely village. Thankyou for making us feel so welcome, and looked after! What a beautiful and special place Collieston is..."
willie of the hellfire club: "thanks again for inviting us to take part in a great night in Collieston and your hospitality, beer and great chillie. They villagers know how to party. I thought Sophie's set was great stuff and the crowd were really appreciative and listened as well as danced to all the music on offer. Any time you want us back we're available."
songs for collieston
in gratitude of the great folk of collieston, various artists have been influenced by playing the village sunsets to write a song about the experience or have re-interpreted old collieston songs
They are available for free download from ness mp3 (if you don't have a myspace site), just click link below
http://www. nessmp3.com/music/village_sunsets
comedian duncan guthrie who recently played aT THE VILLAge sunsets, at the scottish comedy awards below:-