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I am here for Networking

About Me

this is my life, these are my dreams, welcome to join...Actress - Trained at the international theatre conservatory Jacques Lecoq in Paris, Physical Theatre and Corporal Expression has become a natural way for me to performe. Many devised work, adaptations of both classical and contemporary art-pieces lay behind me, and a little bit experience in front of the camera make me familiar to most acting styles.Singer - Music and singing has always been a passion and part of my life. The new millinaire with a natural break from theatre, newly graduated from Lecoq, made me take the step onto the "professional" singing stage, starting with open stages and Jazz jam-sessions. Soon, I was animating jams and giving my own concerts, in several styles, and various formations. I love improvising, and my best partner is "Rose-Christophe", my Loop-station.Music-creator - I wouldn't call me a composer, but I've already created the music for several shows, and am continuosly working on my ideas, song and "abiences". My wish is, when I'm ready, to form my propre group, or band if you prefer, exploring and developping, my own (and my hopefully pairs) musical universe. Jazz, Blues and Bossanova are still strong influences when I sing and compose, but I like mixing the styles mentioned above with more popular directions, pop, rock, folk and traditional music (from o' so many different areas in the world...)- there are no limits of ingrediences in the melting pot. My performance-pieces (the music created for or inspirated by theatre or other living performance work) is often a marriage between electro and acoustic/classical sound. For more information and examples have a look at: plastic art explorer - I like learning new stuff, and love finding cheap but good, no, EXCELLENT! solutions to problems/tasks you can meet, while in a project. Creating and challenging my own brain and capacities makes me feel that I'm alive. Whenever I've got the time and possibility to use any creativity I do it, sewing, painting, creating masques, costumes or constructions. Or just for fun, playing with pearls, thingies or paperfluff. Nothing is useless or worth to waist -anything can turn into something...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

someone who could help me (realising, finalising, producing my work)- anyone who's interested in my projects and/or want to become part of it

My Blog

Découvre cet événement: Maja - solo

 Organisateur :majaDate / Heure :samedi 24 octobre 2009Où:l'Omadis43 rue DoudeauvilleParis75018Description:Decouvrez l'univers de Maja dans l'intimité...Clique ici pour visualiser lEvénement
Posted by on Tue, 20 Oct 2009 05:38:00 GMT


Have a look at
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 06:03:00 GMT

Nothing is impossible!

Wow!!Je l'ai fait! J'ai réussi!!! Lundi dernier, on m'a demandé de remplacer un comédienne dans une pièce pour jouer: jeudi dernier... c'est à dire...HIER!Je l'ai fait et ça a très bien marcher. Je su...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 06:25:00 GMT

blirst frog, oops, I mean first blog

As a complete blog-beginner I now take my first steps with hope that i won't fall immediately...  J'espère vous voir nombreux à répondre avec des commentaires et messages, questions et ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:53:00 GMT