Well since ive been playing the guitar a lot now i am starting to like a whole bunch guitar songs.. you know songs that have guitar in it like richard marx now and forever and extreme's more than words oh and a lot eric clapton music like tears in heaven. i can play those songs they're fun to play... My love Tiffany introduced me to guitar oh and taught me too...
Lets see there is a whole bunch of movies that i like... There is the funniest movie ever Dumb N' Dumber along with a whole bunch of Austin Powers movies and Zoolander. If you are feeling lonely and you wanna laugh your ass off these or the movies to watch... hahhah!!! i recently watched the most incredible movie if the year The Incredibles.. its one of my favorite movies now along with Hitch. those are my favorite movies of this year and thats about it.
The best TV show in the whole wide world is FRIENDS... Whoever doesnt like that show must be a NERD.. that show is hella funny. i could watch the whole thing all over again from the very beginning.. you know where joey strips naked in front of monica.. hehehe its the greatest TV show EVAAAAAA!!!