w0uld lIke 2 plAy baSketball,swImmin,v0lleY ball n tennIs..reAd a bo0k n waTch moVie hanGout to0 ;p
co0l perSon...is tAt u?
m reaLy libeRal,opEn mindED n univErsal..so da Best muSic fr0m ma point oF viEw is da mUsic i hEard...hEe ;0
hARRy p0ttEr!definItely... l0ve actUaly to0
HER0ES!despeRate h0useWive n.......... n0t sUre la,i cHeck it bAck k?hoh0 ;p
lAtest onE?6th b0ok oF harrY pottEr!
masElf!n0 d0ubT on it!