About Me
My family means the world to me and can always change my mood for the better. I have alot of true friends that I can lean on when I need to. I have an amazing boyfriend that I am so grateful for and wouldnt change anything, everything about him just drives me wild and i cant wait for him to be home. I know a good laugh or a few words can help tremendously. I tend to be a helper. I don't get angry or irritated very easily, i just don't believe in making life harder than it has to be and angry is not the way to live. I feel deep, I'm passionate, very generous, caring and easy to please. I try not to complain, because it could always be worse. Sometimes you can't always control what is happening in your life, but you have to take the good with the bad, because you can always control your attitude and that is something nobody can take away from you. I enjoy change. I'm the spur of the moment kind of gal and love doing crazy things at crazy hours, and don't think much of time. I have a great appreciation for Photography, pictures can capture moments that people seem to overlook or capture a moment that gives you a feeling you want to cherish forever. I enjoy driving for hours with no destination w/the top down and my music blarring. I take long relaxing baths every week. I'm a sucker for animals. I love swinging. I drink coffee black. I can be a bit of a perfectionist. I like to be right and tend to argue. I Love Love Love Pinot Grigio wine, but watch out i have been told i get a little sassy and crazy, but it is always a good time. In the summer I am very active and my weekends are always full, you can find me mostly on the water enjoying the rays. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!
Give somebody a smile, it could change their day, pick up garbage when you see it, help somebody when they drop something, dont rush through life, enjoy the simpler things and everything around you, it just might not be there tomorrow.Everything happens for a reason, even if that reason doesnt seem like the best at the moment. Just know you will grow from it and that everything will be alright, just let it happen, there is never an ending, it is always a beginning w/a new path! WE EITHER MAKE OURSELVES MISERABLE or WE MAKE OURSELVES STRONG, THE AMOUNT OF WORK IS THE SAME
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