Well, what can I say about me…I'm not a lot cheated in speaking about me.
I have many interests, above all art, I'm attracted from all the things that moves my alive spirit and that it makes me enjoying the being…
I love the love and I'm an extremely romantic person, than live thinking that sooner or later is going to meet its prince… or perhaps not a prince (their usually borings), maybe just a person who is disposed to put itself and its feelings in game….
I've been in Australia for the last 17 month and being here I have realized one of my childhood dreams!!!
I adore this place and all its wild nature… I believe in the need to begin to activate the mass in order to start to take of our planet…We are destroying our habitat and if we keep continue in this way we will not arrive anywhere.
I believe in the importance of knowing yourself and in the meditation.
Spiritual elevation is part of ours process of increase, and refusing this concept with the oppression of our instincts is the most sad attitude can be found in a person.
I love children and I hope to be mum someday…
I love the animals and I suffer in seeing all the cruelty the human tax on these pure and defenseless beings.
I believe in the power of a smile and the effectiveness of the gentility.
It would appeal to to me to continue to travel around the world and to continue to enrich my being breathing mystic scents and new breezes.
Well well well....I'm actually in Italy, in the city were i grew up: ROMA!!!!It is so strange, i love and I hate this city, but this is such a long story.....anyway, I'm living this country at the end of October.....SOUTH AMERICA I'M COMING!!!!I'll be there for at least 6 months, so if anybody will be around just let me know!!!!
Keep dreaming and smiling guys....Peace, Love, Respect!!
Ok guys! i Changed my planes again....I"m just came back from Versilia (Toscany-Italy) and i'll catch my next flight to Barcelona on the 6th and from Barcelona to Fuerteventura (Canary Islands) on the 8th...I'll be there looking for a job, I hope to find a way to stay there for a month at least and from there....I have no any idea, i just know that after that i really have to go to South America.
So if anybody is planning to go to Canary Island for Christmas or New Year's Eve, let's catch up!!!!XXX