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About Me

Name: moHd khAirOl aNuaR BIn IliAs
Age: 26
Sex: mALe
Birthday: 23 mAY
Birthplace: k.L
Current Location: gOMbAk
School: mAnY
Height: 5' 8
Shoe Size: 8
Eye Color: haZeL
Hair Color: bLAcK
Skin Type: bROWn
Do you Smoke?: mArLbORo lIGht
Do you do Drugs?: nEvEr
Do you Drink?: nEvEr
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: 5 i tHInK
MCDonalds or Burger King?: sAmBAl tUmIS UDanG
Pepsi or Coke?: lIMAu sUam & tEa O aiS
Do you Sing?: SomEtIMes
Chocolate or Vanilla?: vAnILlA
Do you shower daily?: 4 tImES
Do you want to get married?: oF cOz lEr
Do you want to have kids?: wAnT2!
Do you believe in yourself?: yUp
Number of Tattoos: nEVer
Number of Piercings: nEVer
Number of CDs I own: mAny bUt mY FRens BoRRow a Lot
Style: tEE cOLar + jeaNs + sNEaKer
Pets: dIed
Number of Sibblings: 6
What would you like to get pierced?: dOnt wANt
Have you ever beat someone up?: oLD tiMEs
Have you ever stayed up all night?: aLwayZ
Do you think your attractive?: dUnNO
Who is your funniest friend?: aLL mY fREnS
Do you work?: sELf eMployED
Number of Past Regrets: 1
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I'd like to meet:

When someone loves you, you don't realise it, you facing many problem in your relationship, u've been tested by many ways, and you try to solve it alone... and when you realise it, its too late... you will always love the one who leaves you and leave the one who loves you... :'( it's true...


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