GladYs profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

A GiFted GirL, HuH? mE? a FriEnd, CoMpaniOn, anD ClaSsMaTe yoU caN ReaLly TrUst BecAuse Of My SenSe oF ResPonSiBility In shAriNg My AssIgnEd TaSK. DoWn-tO-EaRth, SiLent anD ResErVed. WacKy iS oFten MistaKen aS a SnoB bEcaUse oF mY NatuRallY FaCe bUt OnCe YoU GeT tO KnoW mE, yoU'LL fiNd OuT thaT i'M CoNsiDerAte aNd KinD. You'LL bE SurPrised Of mY PuRe DeterMinaTion, PerSeVeRance anD SeLf-AssUranCe iS wHat maKes mE TO ReaCh mY GoaLs iN LiFe...

My Interests

tRaveLLinG, PhoTogRaphy, MoDeLLinG, SwiMming, AcTinG, ShoPping, MaKe-Up, ClOthes, ShoEs anD sAnDals, BagS, HanGing OuT With friEnDs, SleePinG, WatChInG MoViEs

I'd like to meet:

aLL mY fRienDs in GraDesChOol aNd HighsChool


RnB, AltErnaTive, MarIaH CaRey..., MichaEl BuBle..., StePhen SpeaKs..., BeYonce K...


FinDing NeMo, LeGally BlonDe, SeRenDipiTy, BaD bOys II, caSt AwaY, CoyotE uglY, PrinCess DiaRies


LiFeStyle NetWork.GloW anD fasHion tRance, NickeLodeOn.DoRa thE ExpLorer, CNN, DisCoverY ChaNnel, AmaZing rACE, FeaR FaCtor, dIsNey ChaNnel.Mr.BeAn, carToon NeTwoRk, SeX AnD thE CiTy


thE NotEbooK Hehe...


oF cOurse my MoM