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About Me

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I work on a blue boat in the Northern Pacific. They call me ‘Chimi’, ‘Changa’, or for short, ‘Chimichanga’. My heart sings a thousand songs proclaiming the glories of Calvary. I love to worship Yah from the heart, as the moon’s reflection splatters effortlessly across the ocean, reaching for my feet. There was a day when you could catch me sputtering phrases like ‘when they see me rollin’ they hate it’, ‘—c- the police’, or ‘what do you have on tap’? Seasons change and so have I. More commonly sweet water flows from the fountain of my mouth than bitter anymore. I am privileged to be a man who says things like ‘Lord bless your day!’, ‘of course I will pray for you’ and ‘I love you’. Before Jesus found me I was a child of Apollyon. He loved me as I was. Now, I’m a son of Heaven. He loves me as I am. Yah is the strength of my heart and I need every ounce of grace if I am to be His messenger. With His empowerment I want the life I live to send a call echoing loud and long through the cavern of post-modern western deception. If I had to choose between a job promotion and not being so indiscreet about my faith, without a second thought I’d choose Yah. Then after having time to think about my hasty choice, I would choose Yah again, and as adamant. If I were a married man threatened that my beautiful wife and daughter were to be thrown to the lions if I didn’t deny my Maker- with aching bones and a bleeding soul, I would choose Yah. If I were to be perceived as filth and scorned by my most beloved friends and given over to the most fierce form of rejection imaginable, still I would grip firmly the sword of truth as I am beheaded by their cruel gestures or the lifeless look in their eye. In this life, as a Christian, I will suffer. But, in stark, in your face contrast, I possess the deepest mightiest joy which is only found in the swirling undercurrent of the knowledge of the infinite Holy God which rages below the surface of my mortal flesh. Who am i? According to Yah’s Word, the Bible--- written by God through man--- I am chosen, beloved of God, royalty, precious, kept and in Christ I am untouchable. Although, I am a wretched sinner, a hater of God by nature, a deceitful, wicked, worm, spiritually depraved and helpless without Him, God transformed me. Why? Firstly, because it’s His nature to show mercy and ultimately that He might be glorified. The story line, the plot, the twist, the conflict, and the resolution are all about Him -all Him. Not me. Not you. Everybody wants to help themselves and seem altogether blinded to the higher way of placing Christ at the center. In three hours Christ suffered more than any sinner ever will in Hell. Thus, He’s earned my respect, love, and devotion. He’s worthy and what He says should go. He’s commanded me to do all things joyfully. Whatever life brings ‘round to my block, may I find grace to rejoice in it. I love my people and do my best to return favors, encourage them, invest in them, and just keep up as much as I can. I think that’s important. It must be because I know too many people who wind up regretting not being that way. Personally, I think I’m a jerk sometimes. I have friends who are much better examples of love than me. They bless me. I want to bless them. May the Lord help me unlearn how to be so into my own stuff so that I can be less of a jerk. I like words too. The English language is fun, intelligent, and stimulating. You can flip words, kick words, and even send them into orbit. Words have the power of life and death which is why they must be handled with care. Some of my favorites are ‘cantankerous’, ‘conniption’, ‘cogent’, and ‘criminy’! Aren’t words great! Sometimes I bring a nutty inane flavor and if Superman and I ever got into it, I’m pretty sure I’d win. Why? Mostly because of my attitude. But also I got moves and a big bag o’ tricks. My altar ego is a Jewish Jamaican Christian rapper from Brooklyn who lives in the Caribbean Islands as a sacrificial missionary. My name is MC Mashoogina and my sidekick is O.G. Willickers. We’re celebrities worldwide but especially favored by the islanders. Of course we are filthy rich, but give most our profit to the needy while still keeping enough for a T.V. which takes up the entire living room. This is so we can watch false teachers deceive naïve people nationwide and make fun of Joel Osteen’s non-gospel inspirational flub. Good times! My hit song is called ‘love, joy, and peace suckas’ and everyone knows the words, believers and non-alike. Kasey Kasem is all over it. If you asked me---me, not my altar ego, if my cup was half empty or half full, I would have to say, ‘oh, it’s overflowing’. I try to think inside the Book and outside the box. It’s easy. Try it. Most people who are martial artists have to practice hard for years to master their skill. I was born with it though. So I had a black belt when I was like 5. If reincarnation was real, which it’s not, I would have been Billy the Kid in my past life. You know, the low down good ferr nuthin’ horse thievin’, pistol totin’, sharp shootin’, askin’ no questions type. Except I woulda never got shot. I woulda just got my act right eventually and ended up startin’ a church right therrrr in lil Mexico. In shaping the person I am to be more like Christ, I firmly believe it’s important to have role models. Never place a man on a pedestal but be sure to dig for the diamonds on the inside. You can learn from anyone. I admire Mother Theresa and Amy Carmichael for their sacrifice among scores of other missional Christians, John Piper for his exegetical skills, I admire my spiritual mother Penny for her sincere love for people and lovin’ me when it seemed like the rest of the world didn’t want anything to do with me, I admire anyone who shows strength and perseverance, I admire Malcolm X for copying the entire dictionary word for word and for not selling out when he found out his leaders were corrupt (wish he'd served the true Lord as hard core as he did Muhammed), I admire Athanasius for devoting his life to the defense of Christ's deity whatever the cost, I admire persecuted Christians and the Moravians and every true martyr for their courage and bravery, I admire all who read their Bible daily and strive to live by it, and I admire the Puritans because everyone should. I am just a frail human who needs love like everyone else. If you’ve forgotten, admit that you need love----how quickly we can forget the simple important things. I just wanted to remind you. Well, that’s a dab about me, I would think it better to speak of my Savior---more of Him is located under the ‘who I’d like to meet’ heading. If you’re my homie I’ve probably let you know it and if I don’t see you now and then or before the end find me on the playing field after Armageddon. Hope to see you on the winning team. May Yah be the glory within you and all your family, a shield round about you and your children, and the lifter of your head on those discouraging days. Pray for your friends and if you live in California i think umbrellas are great and you should buy one anyway. Should you have any happy thoughts, feel free to use them now. See ya!! :) *smiles
Emerging vs. Emergent

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Who is God? Is He some unknowable higher power? He is not a higher power. He is the highest power over all powers. Were He not, we could not call Him God. The question is, what defines God? Most would agree that if this being we refer to as G-o-d is truly God then He would be perfect. Could someone be perfect if He did not in fact exist? Is nonexistence a property of perfection? No. In order for something to be perfect it must exist. Therefore, by very definition God exists. Since God exists, we must ask who He is. "REMEMBER THE FORMER THINGS OF OLD: FOR I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE, I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE LIKE ME" (Is. 46:9). There couldn’t be two Gods or one could not be God. How could two be all-powerful. It is only possible for there to be one. Just as Moses wrote, "HEAR, O ISRAEL: THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD" (Deut. 6:4). This God cannot be likened to a man. If God is Sovereign we could easily label Him as a tyrannical, monstrous, unmerciful being. If we were to liken Him to a man that is. Since He is Sovereign we could call Him oppressive. Since there is suffering in the world we could call Him evil. Since there is pain in the world we could call Him unmerciful. But we must weigh His attributes in light of all His revealed qualities. He is loving, just, and all-knowing. Thus, rather than being angry with Him or refusing to believe in Him at all, which only exploits our own ignorance, we must interpret His character through a knowledge that He, as God, must, and certainly does, know more than we. He cannot be likened to a man. He is God, and beside Him there is no other. To know Him for who He is we must have faith. God cannot be created, or imagined to be who we wish Him to be. He is who He is and He created us without the help of our cheap, selfish, imaginations. The surprise is, He is far better than the best you could think or speak of Him. It is not possible to exaggerate His greatness. He exists outside of time and the Bible says He has made all things beautiful in His time. In the book of Daniel He is called the Rock cut without hands. This passage describes different forms of human government and prophecys the eras in which they will reign over Israel. In the end, this Rock, crushes them all and His domain stretches globally. Why did He place the tree in the garden knowing the repercussions? Because without sin, sickness, and pain we would never fully experience His mercy, might and glory. He is all that is good and all that is Heaven. If He was not in Heaven it would not be Heaven. All its streets of gold and crystal seas and flaming seraphim would be rubbish were He absent. It is by His very word that the earth is held together and spins another day. This is for to show forth His mercy once more. He waits, and every breath you take is another drop of mercy extended as He gives you yet another chance to repent and turn to Him. He foresaw that I would choose Him because He foreknew that He would give me the grace to see. All good things flow from Him. He puts the proud man low and exalts the humble. He takes losers and causes them to send tidal waves of blessing blasting against the shores of eternity for the greater good of all. He speaks a word and worlds collide. He listens to the lonely man and He is near to the brokenhearted nobody. He is able to produce ripened fruits from the darkest hours of our lives. He is the Lamb who was slain and He will receive the reward of His sufferings. He is reaping them even now. He will return as a Lion, as King, and split the very mountain in two from which He ascended into the third heaven 2,000 years ago. He is an all consuming fire. Nothing impure can survive in His presence. Only that which is true can withstand the furnace of His trying. He calls us friends. He is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is your Maker. He is One. The Metaphysical Center of all Has spoken and none of His Words are empty. He has told us the future. He offers all a happy ending who would bow before Him as Supreme. The eschaton will come. The eschaton is here. Do you not know the times which have come upon you?. The earth will give herself to die as a new earth is born. The time is short before He rises like the dawn transforming the bodies of His sons awaiting Him.... transforming the world as we know it.
A fun and spontaneous photo shoot with my friend John in illadelph. He takes pics for kicks. To see more photography by ImageBureau click here

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i dont have any best friends. just many great ones. i thank Yah for you all. 2 Thess. 1:3 & 11

My Blog

GOD SAID -A project in theology proper

 GOD SAIDA Project in Theology Proper by Jacoby Thomas Nelson  A production of InterrupttheSilence Ministries      The Roman Catholic Church, shamefully called Christians...
Posted by on Mon, 19 May 2008 16:29:00 GMT

101 Reasons I believe Jesus is the one true God

Occasionally as Christians we stumble across this primary issue concerning the deity of Christ.  The acceptance or rejection of this belief is of paramount pertinence.  That Jesus was indeed...
Posted by on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 17:05:00 GMT

InterrupttheSilence Be Bold or Fold

 BE BOLD OR FOLD Thomas was shown the scars in the hands of the Messiah. He knelt saying, "My Lord and my God." Shortly after, he met with Peter and five others on the sea of Tiberias. This ...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 19:13:00 GMT


InterrupttheSilence Ministries Wrong Way on a One WayThe most studious among scholars and historians do not know the Apostle Pauls last words. The closest we come to it is the epistle of 2 Timothy. En...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:50:00 GMT

My Child Devotional

My Child, Why dont you come here and sit on my knee? Your Father has some secrets to share with you. They will help you grow healthy, wise, and strong. I believe you have been trying to grow up way to...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:49:00 GMT

The One

The OneHe is my Vision, my best thought by day or by night, He is my center, my everything, He is my portion, my all in all, the Great I Am, the Becoming One, i am needy, He is all i need and He is mo...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:33:00 GMT

Want to read a poem huh?

Day one comes first one of the rest of my life Waiting for the Son studying the moonlight Watching for the One eyes to the east Following the Unseen Hes gone where I cant be...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Feb 2005 08:25:00 GMT

Newsletter #4

Interrupt the Silence Youre going to be a fool for someone, why not be a fool for Christ? Hey Jacob, did you learn anything your first semester at college? Yes huh sir. I learned that God i...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Feb 2005 07:14:00 GMT

Newsletter #2

InterupttheSilenceNewsletter Silence may be golden but sometimes its just plain yellow. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving. (Albert Einstein) Wh...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Feb 2005 07:10:00 GMT

Newsletter #1

To the excellent ones scattered throughout this time-bomb called planet earth, Since day one I havent managed to stay in one place for any extended period of time. Ive heard it said, that in ord...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Feb 2005 07:03:00 GMT