Like graff, writing, street art whatever you call it... Check out this petition
"Whilst we do not condone the defacing of private property, we feel that sending a teenager into prison, bearing in mind the damaging long-term effect of such a sentence, is outrageously excessive...The government must accept that the current approach of custodial sentencing for graffiti artists, where no violence is indicated, is not legally equitable, is counter-productive and harmful to society as a whole."
Petition Gordon Brown
Are you a student with a hefty loan? Maybe this will interest you.
With a new interest rate for Student Loans set at 4.8% the burden that is being put upon both past and present students is truely unacceptable. With house prices becoming increasingly unaffordabe, petrol prices rising and utility companies charging more - it is ridiculous to effectively hang a lead weight around the necks of the future of this country and expect them to be able to swim.
Pah, Pah, Pahnts mahn!
Ahem! I've been constipated for weeks but I've managed to find a solution to my problem on Youtube. Thank Goodness for the Japanese!!!