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I'll forget you ever thought of yourself without me, and brought to my attention just how lonley thi

About Me

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Christopher John™

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Age: 16

Height: short enough to have my face on your boobies!

Weight: better than your mommas booty!

Status:off the market

Occupation: MARSHALLS!

Instant Messenger: ASK BITCH

About Me:
- 5'1... yeah I'm short so what..

- I like to thynk I'm a sweet guy others might want to differ that, but whatever

- I'm a good lystener and good friend

- I love my friends with everything I have left if it wasn't for them I would'nt be here today. If you fuck with my friends your fucking with me and the same goes with my family.. they're all i have left

- my 4 sisters raised me and i look up to them for everything

- i get attached to people quicker than i really should

-im sick and tired of looking for a girl to settle down with therefore if you want me you find me...

- I'm a romantic kinda guy yet i styll can't find the right girl to romance

- i'm Imune to heartbreaks

- I don't smoke nor do i drink i think its gross and it disgusts me

- as much and my dad doesn't know and doesn't want to believe he is my hero and someday when i grow up i want to be lyke him and for once make him proud of me after all that hes done for me.

-I get depressed a lot yet i dont cry

- I know what I want to do with my life and i'm doing everything i possibly can do to try and push myself in that direction

- my niece is my god :-) she makes me feel like i have some kind of meaning in this life. knowning that she looks up to me and loves me is the best feeling in the world.

- i know im young styll but i feel that someday i'll be a good father.

- Music is the only way i can really cope with my problems

- I'm a People Pleaser i rather make other people happy instead of myself even if it crushes me... emotionally... and physically.

-I'm a very jealous person it's bad i know but i am and i can't change that... im sorry its who i am accept it.

- I don't Like many people and Many people don't like me.

- When you first meet me im shy and quiet but once you get to know me i open up a lot

- im a quiet kid i dont talk much

- I'm A work-a-holic... even tho i only have been working for about a month and a half i been working almost every damn day so far.

-I'm Italian... yeah i guess you can say im pretty proud of that.

- i have close to no self esteem at all

- I have Very few close friends

- I don't lyke my parents now but i know someday i will and i will appreciate everything they have done for me

-I lose more people than gaining

- Not a lot of people understand me

- I'm not exzactly the brightest kid but im trying to pass everything this year not only to show my parents that im not an asshole but for myself what i do now can affect my future majorly.

-I'm getting sick of where i live and would like to move to the city or somewhere with lots of new people

- if i could i would start my whole life over again

- i made a lot of mistakes that i regret.

...I Would Like To Just Meet SomeOne New...

Skating, biking, IM. Phone, Hanging With Friends, Sports.... ummmmm TV, Movies,MUSIC! Drums/ Electric geetar hanging out with my girlfriend (when i have one) and thats about it im a very boring person What Can i Say don't like it you can blow me

Hawthorne Heights, The Used, Sublime, Breaking Benjamin, Lost Prophets, Senses Fail, Simple Plan, Fallout Boy, UnderOath, Papa Roach, System Of The Down, Disturbed, Fozzy, The Benjamins, Metallica,Nirvanna, Unwritten Law, My Chemical Romance, Reliant K, Marylin Manson,Avenged Sevenfold, Finger Eleven, Suspyre, Bullet For My Valentine, Bullets And Octane, Cky, Day Of Contempt, Muk Cage, Suicide City, OffSpring, Arch Enemy, Incubus, HIM, Letter Kills, Haste The Day, Odd Project, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Stretch Arm Strong, God Forbid, Thursday, Taking Back Sunday,Life House, Eminem

Scary Movies
1). Excorsist (series)
2). Ring (1,2)
3). Final destination (series)
4). Chucky (series)
5). Scream (series)
Lots Morrrrreeeeeeeeee

1). 40 days 40 nights
2). 40 year old virgin
3). Happy Gilmore
4). Big Daddy
Lots Moreeeeeeeeeeee

I usually only watch t.v at night when i go to bed i usually watch Court T.v Cause im a nerd like that but other than that i just watch whatever is one adult swim or cartoon network.

Catcher In The Rye............. One Of The Greatest Books I actually had to read once you read a chapter ur fuckin hooked it relates so much to what people go through and what life is like belieave it or not it is my favorite book

I don't have a hero. I don't want a hero and I defenitaly Dont need a Fuckin hero i trust no one but those whom i love and care for

Chris! I want you.
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View Friends Who I'd Like To Meet:

I want a girl that will stay with me for always. she'll know you can never say I love you too many times, but knows not to say it if she doesn't mean it with all her heart. We'll be just like Jack and Sally. She'll sit home with me to watch cartoons in our pajamas; cuddling on the couch. She'll call me at 3 am just to tell me she cannot stop thinking about me and wishes she was in my arms. She can't walk next to me without holding my hand and will whisper something cute in my ear. She won't be scared or embarrassed to tell me she loves me, in front of all her friends. All her friends will know we are in love, because she will talk about me to them. She'll love everything about me. she won't stress about how she looks when shes with me. We'll play video games. She'll let me give her piggy back rides when shes tired from walking. Our silly little fights will follow with laughter. We won't get mad for making fun of each other because we crack up at every bit of it. Every time she kisses me, she will smile at me. She'll surprise me at work or home when I am having a bad day. She will sing to me if i asked her too. She won't be ashamed to introduce me to her friends and family. We'll go out for ice cream. She'll tell me she cares about me and means it. She'll let me buy her jewlery. She will be proud to say I am her boyfriend. She'll let me take her to a carnavil or a amusement park for a date. She'll let me pay and not feel guilty about it. She will love me no matter what, and never fall out of love for me either. She won't lie to me or break promises.
I Want Her

Permission of Bryanna Nicole, she said I could use this. :]

Alright for those of you stalkers, Chris is just my best friend. Sorry we're "friendly" or whatever you call it towards each other, it's just how we've known each other. I don't give two flying fucks what you think about us being good friends, but seriously just drop it. I know what you all think, and I know who is thinking it, and you better just knock it off because you're more fucked up than you think. Thanks.

Dear Christopher John,

It's Bryanna Nicole. I just wanted to say you're the best friend anyone could ever ask for. You are more than my best friend, you're the world. Yes, I stole almost what you said but whatever. I would like to thank you for being there for me every bit of the way, and I love you for it all. Although we have had some rough times, we always made them smooth. You are amazing and don't let anybody tell you different. If anyone tries to even hurt you, you know I am the one to call because I will make them go through hell; and you damn well know I will. We've made many promises to each other, and only a few have been broken, maybe 3% even. Let's keep it that way. I am your prom date, possibly Junior and Senior year if I'm lucky. I love you Christopher John, I am lucky to have met you. I still remember the days we went on webcam and just laughed at each other the entire time. All of our inside jokes, I loved them all. Although I don't remember them all right now, I will always keep them with me. You are my pa nee nee and I am your va gee gee, and nothing will change that. Even when I am famous and live in a big mansion, nothing will change the fact that you are my pa nee nee. Oh hell, you'll be living in the mansion with me haha. We could possibly even have little italicans running around! How awesome would that be; Bryanna Nicole Jr., Christopher John Jr., and Bryopher Jocole. I just made that name up ahaha. Do you remember how we met? At a cancelled Health Quest dance, my goodness that day freaked me out. You were staring at me like there was no tomorrow! Then you added me on myspace, where we didn't even know we saw each other at HQ. Good times, especially when we realized, "Holy shit! That was you at the cancelled HQ!" We have had good laughs, and I would never trade them for anything in the world. You are my best friend and will always be. I love you so much, no matter who comes in and out of our lives, I will always love you.

Bryanna Nicole

When you are upset, just read this.
Bryanna Nicole: an athiest in the car, with andrew sitting next to her hitting her ass. an internet whore infront of her, and papa next to internet whore. then the girl who owns meemo. then april and whoever up in the front driving and doing directions. then people behind us who thought i was an asian. then me popping up CHRIS YOUR PENIS IS POKING MY TEMPLE.
the reactions!
april and guy in the front i believe was ryan: ((CRASH)) what the fuck! ((jacks off))
mommy of meemo: RYAN! you don't even do that to me!
april: WTF ((stares)) how does she do that without putting her mouth on it!?

Ps. Don't forget our song.

Bryanna Nicole made this profile, specially made for my best friend, I hope you like it. 7.15.06 :]Bryanna Nicole takes pretty pictures of me! :)


My Blog

im sorry :/

alright..so heres the deal... i have been a complete dick to everyone this summer and not purposely or just to be a prick cause i can be and im sorry if i upset you a lot this summer you didnt deserve...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 11:00:00 PST

the new life

so as most of you know i now have a job in flemington at marshall's i practically live there also now so im never really online as much as i was before which is a good thyng lol anyway i finally have ...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Sun, 21 May 2006 08:32:00 PST

effem lonely :-( fill it out

Name: Age: Eye color: Hair color: Favorite color: Where do you live? Do you have any tattoos? Any piercings? Do you drive? Drink? Smoke? Drugs? Is sex all youre looking for? Do you like to cuddle? H...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Sun, 21 May 2006 08:22:00 PST


soooo i haven't written in here for like years.... proabably cause no one really reads these but im bored so im gonna type one anyway so a lot and i mean a lot has happend since the last blog i posted...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 12:20:00 PST

I Tear My Heart Open I sew Myself shut my weakness is that i care to much.

Hey guys what's Goin On I haven't typed in here for awhile..... well things have been going pretty good lately i been happy so i guess thats good right?....... it sucks tho i been so bored all summer ...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"I've count the days that we spent apart i've got a bad liver and a broken heart

hey guys whats up i haven't written in here for a really long time well that wilderbeast guy left... yeah the one that was fixing my hot water and heat and stuff like that yeah hes gone..... finally b...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"look in my eye's im jaded now whatever that means."

soooooo yeah people suck? sounds good to me lol school these past two weeks has been blahhhhhhh im lyke failing 3 outta 4 classes and there is this guy fixing my heat in my house and hes gonna be here...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"just close your eyes and i'll take you there"

blah fuck this life sucks soooooo much right now its not even funny i hate this fucking family and i hate this fucking lyfe goodbye
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Yo It's Like A New Blog Or Somethin

hey...... whats up.... not much here everything is pretty much the same... styll failing styll lonely i miss her :-/ she made me smile all the time..... even if i was depressed as hell she means a lot...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Coments, Coments, Coments, Coments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey What's up i haven't written in here forever a lot of the same stuff has been happening those kids are styll fuckin with me their luck i didn't lay em out yet they deserve to be they don't know who...
Posted by Äng£|_0f_D£ath on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST