That person. Over there.... Yes, there. No, not that old lady, nex- nex- nex= STOP INTERRUPTING ME! THE PERSON THAT I AM POINTING TO. Ugh.*Jumps out window*
Powderfinger, Metallica, Disturbed, Sevendust, InMe, Linkin Park, Tool, TrustCompany, Trapt, Fear Factory, Element Eighty, Machinae Supremacy, Three Days Grace, The Used, Cold, Dreamtheatre, Coldplay, Prodigy, Breaking Benjamin, A Perfect Circle, 30 Seconds to Mars, Snow Patrol, The White Room, The White Stripes, Audioslave, Dreamsfear. Oh and Incubus. Placebo and Muse.
Bladerunner, Batman Begins, Unleashed, Equilibrium, The Island, Sin City, Appleseed, Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, House of Flying Daggers, Casino Royale, The Prestige. 300. Soon to be Transformers.
Beavis & Butthead, Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy, Duckman.
Dagon. Riverworld. Eye of the Dragon. Hedge Knight. Song of Ice and Fire.
The Redeemer. Batman. Dwight. XXXX. Starscream.