About Me
Cool Stuff at BlingJam.com
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~READ THIS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I love, beyond measure, the true and LIVING God.
He's done more than I can remember, so much....
the most recent thing that has occured in my life...is the realization of my true purpose...
God knew what He wanted for me, from me, and through me because of Him.... before MY MOTHER was even thought about...I know He has an individual and unique, strategic plan and purpose for my life...
I have recently decided to walk in God's destiny For ya Girl... Roc Diva...So I must mention... because I am set apart and have chosen to live for God FORREAL now...please don't approach me with non sense of any sort...I am Not a My SPACE FREAK
what-so-ever...so please be informed....and Act Accordingly...
I'm different...strayed away from the lifestyle that is NOT pleasing to God..so don't approach me with mess..I have no time for disturbances, disruptions, or any one/thing that may attempt to deter me from fulfilling my destiny. Trust and Know this....Besides God....I love cildren, singing, writing, just music in general. I know it's a cliche but I am a people person...most dEFF! I love to be around people...
I attend PC (Phoenix College) at the moment with a major in Business Managemnet....Crazy ideas...Stay tuned.
I go to church on the regular.....um I like kickin it with my fam from church and Yea that's about all....
Feel free to leave ya ma a message that has substance and some sort of meaningful content.....
Thanks Much Have a Blessed Day B>... BlingJam Page Editoraction='http://www.kwiz.biz/simplesurveys/do-survey.ph
p' method='post' target='_new'>
Name Rocawear Diva
Eye color Light Brown
Hair color Brown
Sex Female
Birthday July 29 1988
Birthplace San Bernadino, CA
Height 6'0
Age 18
current location Hot Phoenix, AZ
Shoe size 10
Right/Left handed Right
Idol Jesus...Though He isn't an idol...by any means ...but so much more.
Best Friend Too Many.....Esther, Liz, ..........
Are you Single Nah
Do you find yourself Sexy?? Why Jes!
What do you do on your free time?? Movies...Kick it wit Liz...Lol
What school do you go to?? Phoenix College
Your Fears! Going to hell...Losing mi madre..
Do you play sports?? Nah! I wish I could play FB though
If so which ones??
Do you drink Nope
If so do you like big parties or kick backs?? Drinking doesn't have to be involved...but I like ''kick backs''
Do you smoke Nope
How many times a day do you shower?? At least 2x
Have you or are you currently in love?? Yes
Do you swear No..I dispise it...ask anyone!...LOL..Seriously Though!
Do you sing Thanks for asking...Why Ofcourse............
Do you listen to country music?? I use to..>Seriously at my old job...that's all they played.
Do you believe in yourself?? Yeah...Through God.
Do you get along w/ your parents?? Mi Madre...si.....
Do you plan to go to college?? I'm in College............
If so what college Univerity.......Kean, Jackson State, or Arizona State
(prefer) Milk/Apple Juice Apple Juice
How would you like to die?? Huh?.......Who...thinks about that?..Who Does that?
Where in the world would you like to visit?? Every where...Hawaii..ofcourse..Europe...Spain...Jersey like...Everyday!
What do you want to be when you grow up?? I am Grown! No Go willing I will own a few businesses.
Have you ever shoplifted Nah
Number of Piercings?? 3
Number of Tattoos?? None
Things you Regret in your younger life Not being a Virgin.
Ice Cream Vanilla and Strawberry
Kind of music Neo Soul, Urban Groove, Jazz, RnB
Song The Sweetest Thing-Nothing Matters ...Both By Lauryn Hill
Person Courtney
Country singer Negative
Band None
Actor Jamie
TV show Lil Bill....Numb3rs...
Movie Brown Sugar
Day of the year 07-07-07
Holiday Christmas
Car Denali...Huge...Blue and nada but Chrome.
Pair of shoes These Rocawear Heels
Kind of cookie Sugar
Mall San Diego Mall..It has like five levels
State New Jersey
Restaurant Zin 32
Store Demo
Brand of clothing Rocawear Duh!
Color Azul..aka...Blue
Sport Football
Football team Uhhhhh.....None at the moment..I did like the Patriots but...you know...I dunno
Dinosaur Huh?
Flower White Roses.........
StarBuck's Drink Cafe Vanilla Frap
Sex Male-
Eye color Insignificant
Hair color Insignificant
Hair Length Fade..No longer than mine.
Height Taller than me.
Weight I dunno..Not HUGE!
Clothing Style Rocawear-ish...Not too hood...but just enough..lol...I dunno someone who knows how to flip it from hood t corporate apparell...
Would you like your Match to be Famous?? Not really...they'll just see me as anotha chick I'm sure....I'm so far from that
Personality Out Going, Fun, Mature....knows how to adust to surroundings....Cool..on that next "level" stuff...
Most Romantic Get Away Hawaii, France, you pick then we can go....lol