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r u a freak?
total freak
u r not afraid to bust out those cuffs, whips, or chains!!!u like to have ur hair pulled, back scratched, nd ur neck bit!!!u a freak!!! u get off on the physical screw the emotion, nd ur partner...well they better pray ur satisfied!!!
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What animal best represents you?
Your animal is a snake. No one gets away with hurting you, as you can be quite sneaky.
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Your 'Porn Name' revealed...
Ma homie 69er
Yo cum from tha west side homie... yo bling bling n shit and yo all up in on it.. instead of using rope for bondage yo use gold chain bling bling n shit.. bitches luv yo pimp cup and pimp juice fa nizzle.. aint no $5 ho yo need $300+ to keep up yo game n shit..
How do you compare?
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.." C5jb20vYWxidW1zL2hoODcvbWFja2ZybW9jZWFuLz9hY3Rpb249dmlldyZjd XJyZW50PXB1cnBsbm1hY2suanBn" target="_blank"