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Comic books, reading( abit of a book worm, lol), art, hanging out with my friends, listening to music, drawing, picking up guys...hahahaha.
Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, Spiderman, Batgirl, Supergirl, Nightwing,, how bout i just say any superhero....My idols Chirtopher Reeve and Joe Shuster, both deseased unfortunatly :( I'd also like to meet a couple of my other favourite Comic book writers and artists (Ive actually met some of my favourites alreadys :D)
Something Corporate, Jacks Mannequin (WHO I SAW IN CONCERT!!!!!), Metric, Feist, Stars, Mika, lifehouse, Devon Waldron, The Fray, Snow Patrol, The Killers, OLP, Oasis, The Cure, andything from A Night at the Roxbury, haha, and many many more great bands.
Anything Superhero related (eg: Batman movies, Sueprman movies, Spiderman movies, ect), Transformers (soo good), The Holiday..sigh, Bridget Jones Diary, A Night at the Roxbury(soo funny), Harry Potter (i like the books to), Hollywoodland..and lots more.
Smallville, JLU, that 70's show, old school batman (sigh adam west my love, haha), Supernatural, Simpsons, Family guy, hahaha muary( j/k).
Comic books (soo many different ones, to long to list), The Glass Castle(one of my absolute favourites),she's come udone, iron wall trilogy, sex god series, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Its kind of a Funny Story,Harry Potter (the whole good), Eleanor Rigby (the book..not the song,but i love that to)
Geoff Johns,Jim Lee, Rags Morales, Micheal Turner and his amazing Aspen group, also oh so many other amazing comic book writers and artsits,My Dog Tawny, Brian Singer, Christopher Reeve, Dana Reeve, Joe Shuster, Jerry Siegal, My friends, My dog Tawny, my brother steve..i guess,lol, Brandon Routh, Adam West(who i met!!), and well i could go on for an hour with my super heroes..but i think you'd get annoyed :)Get Your Own! | View Slideshow