emkayeff profile picture


About Me

M&D's Layoutsi started my own "the way i see it" just like starbucks coffee cups, i wear hoodies year-round and i'm proud of it, i love thunder and lightning, art (photography, andy warhol, pop art, painting, drawing on everything and anything, including myself and other people) cooking, “your mom” jokes (especially erin's because they are especially non-insulting, no matter how hard she tries), writing, pink, ballet shoes, green tea, being pentecostal and other pentecostals, paul frank, naps, monkeys, thermals, pirates, flippy skirts, Cinderella, peter pan, taking pictures, fun tights, singing obnoxiously loud and harmonizing with the radio, my bed, hello kitty, driving around and getting lost, books, funny quotes from these books, getting free chocolate milk on campus, getting it twice, getting it with cherisse those two times, and dragging marc along with usi love all this stuff more than ice cream, less than cherisse

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

your mom. seriously.