I can out fish ANYONE!! Dont think so, TRY ME!! Never been beat at a game of clue! Love goin shoppin, Im a Typical girl when it comes to spendin money$..HaTe Drama, and wish people could mind there own business, act their age and realize NO one wants to be like them!! Especially me! They are the one TRYIN sooo DESPERATELY to be like me....with the icons, the same f-in pictures and hmmm, i recall bein told that this was only myspace...get a life!! If I am not workin or at school, I am either with my FuTuRe HuSbAnD--KeVin MiChAeL...or my other half, my LiTtLe sister--LiSa AnN!!
A Few things that I LOVE:: the colors GrEeN and PiNk, RoCkiN big sunglasses , country and beach music, flip flops are my faVoRite, goin anywhere with my MuD-tUrtLe, baseball=AtLaNtA==love, football- can you say DaLLaS, mountain dew...Im AddIcTed, takin pictures...the camera goes EveRYwHeRe with me, NC state {GO PACK!} goin to the lake..Knee BoArdIn is my thInG! LoVe TuRtLes of any KiNd. AnyThIng with my LiTtLe sis <3, FrOzEn LeMoNaDe is my new obsession! LOVE CoOk OUt!--My JoB, wouldnt trade it for any other--ThIs SUmmEr was a BLasT buT Im ReaDy for ThE FALL, field trials and GoiN tO thE hUnTiN cLub!! :)
Country is MY absolute FAVORITE... and I also like BeAcH music!
The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Hope Floats, The Notebook, Young Guns, The Cowboy Way, Field of Dreams, The Rookie, Pure Country, Ladder 49, A League of Their Own, Tombstone, City Slickers, Open Range, The Little Rascals, Back Draft, Lonesome Dove, Indiana Jones (all 4), Walk the Line, and Top Gun. Really there are wayyy tooooo many for me to list them all!!
LoVe the Discovery and HisTory Channels!!
I read when I have some down time and thats VERY rare!! But I do LoVe to read!!
My Mom is my biggest HERO! I hope that I can be half the mother she was. She had cancer for about 6 months before she died and was always trying to be strong for me and my sister eventhough she was having a tough time herself. I miss and think about her every single day! And know that she is smiling down from heaven while she watches over us!My Big Brother, the one who use to scare away all the boys who even looked my way, the one who taught me how to drive, and the one who tried to protect me more than anyone!! I know that he would be so proud of the two amazing kids he has left behind and the incredibly strong women who are raising them!! Your on my mind always!And also my sister b/c she has had to deal with so much throughout her life and still has enough patience to put up with me! She is truly my BEST friend!! We always have soo much fun together and we have more inside jokes than anyone!! She is always there to listen and she always supports everything I do!! I am SOO PROUD of the young woman your turning into! Dont know what I would do without you Little Sister!!