♫Muzically Tiffany♫ profile picture

♫Muzically Tiffany♫

I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Name Is Tiffany Lauren Bradley I am 19 years old and Live in Riverside Southern California I travle alot its one of my most favorite things to do in life I have basically been all over the world and i have seen some amazing things I am a performer I sing, dance and act its pretty amazing I love me family alot we do have our ups and downs but we alway love each other no matter what I am a Christian Girl god has given me amazing talents and has given me the opportunity to share them all over the world Im a pretty straight forword person I dont lie I hate lying I used to do it all the time but it did nothing but give me trouble so now I dont lie and I couldnt be happyer Jesus Christ is my number one hero and Idol with out him I wouldnt have my amazing family and friends who I have today
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My Interests

anything that wont bore me *laughs* I love camping singing dancing and all that other performing stuff lol I love to travle experience new things new people everyday

I'd like to meet:

anyone who wont talk shit about me or start shit


Im really into intrumental music I like all kinds though but thats my main one I like Panic at the disco The All american rejects red jump suit apparatus and all those other good onesa


Im like a BIG Harry potter fan I know Im a nerd but I give a shit I like mystery movies Im not so big on horror movies but Ill watch them


I dont really watch tv but when I do I love the show Little people big world its an awsome show Im not to big on American Idol but I am with Dancing with the stars


again I love the mystery things


My heros are My Parents who are always there for me and I love them cause I know them and Bank for Tiffany LOl jk but I love them my other Hero would have to be Mr.Lutz how has supported me soooo much with my ups and my downs and told me to go further with my dream and Im going to keep doing so

My Blog

My favorite songs

SHENANDOAHOh Shenandoah,I long to see you,Away you rolling river,Oh Shenandoah,I long to hear you,Away, I'm bound away'Cross the wide Missouri. Oh Shenandoah,I love your daughter,Away you rolling rive...
Posted by kMuzically Tiffanyk on Thu, 15 May 2008 01:08:00 PST


 this is Tiffanys Prayer chian Please keep these people in your hearts and prayersShelia~ her neice gave birth to a little girl and died a few hours later please pray for her and all of Shelias f...
Posted by kMuzically Tiffanyk on Wed, 14 May 2008 02:51:00 PST

fill this out for me please

[ ] go out with me?[ ] give me your number?[ ] kiss me?[ ] let me kiss you?[ ] watch a movie with me?[ ] take me out to dinner?[ ] drive me somewhere[ ] cut some rug with me?[ ] take a shower with me?...
Posted by kMuzically Tiffanyk on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST