mostly my artwork, anything else ill obsess over till its taken away from me and then ill forget, loose interest and notice something else. a bit like a cat really.
you, so i can kill you in person
everything from soilwork through gary newman with a few pitstops for breed77, kill 2 this, marilyn manson, and the other usuals , all the way back to prodigy (with exceptions for wonders such as ugly kid joe and the likes)!
bunny picnic, all the classic cults, all the disney films...excluding sequals, and pretty much any horror, even the crap ones.
peep show and shameless, anything else i watch is mindless drivel that i get sucked into and still dont understand why i sit there and watch it.
long hard road out of hell......yeah thats right, probably the only book ive read in the last few years so nothing can compete
hmmmm, now that you ask i dont think i have one. thats a bit of a shame innit!