Spending time with the kids, going to the beach and pool, spending time with the kids, listening to music, spending time with the kids, doing crafts, and spending time with the kids.
Angus Young
Classic and hard rock (AC/DC, Dio, Motley Crue, Ozzy etc.) and what my girls are listening to...Christina, Ludacris, All American Rejects...I DON'T LIKE jazz and country..ugh!
Anything Disney is good...not a big fan of horror movies...I have my hands over my face the whole time anyway...Napoleon Dynamite, National Treasure, Everafter are some of my favorites.
MTV, Home and garden network, and the food channel.
Anything by John Grisham or Janet Evonovich...don't get to read as much as I want to.
My mother of course...and any other single Moms who put their kids first and ENJOY doing it!