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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

Jheeahz here to tell you about mii booh ? Alex Hagan ?. Born on December 2nd and uniquely mixed with cuban, black, white, mexican, and indian ((feather not the dot)). Currently attending North High ((ehem..suxx j/k)). Hez very sweet, nice, and someone in whom you can really talk to and depend on. In his "make-believe" world he THINKS that hez a "THUG" ((please dont encourage him =])). Alex will laugh at almost anything ((just stare at him and he'll start laughing lmao ?)) on a regular day you can find him text messaging, talking on the phone, eating, sleeping and waking up at at random times in the middle of the night, kickin it with friends && his cousin, Jared ((shy but funny as hell)), listening to music ((hip-hop && r&b)), "working-out" ((or at least he claims that he does)) blah..blah..blah..lol. He has a sexii bodii =] ? if you ladies havent noticed, a 100% gentleman ((rare to find BTW)). Omg i swear he gets in trouble by his momz like every week!! (grrr...) so he usually gets grounded for long periods of time often ((wack =( !!)). But yea if you wanna get to know him more then hit up his inbox (itz just a click away!!). love, peace, and hip-hop. i love yuh babez!!? JHEEAH
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