So who am I? Well, let's just say im a back woods reservation raised white indian who decided to leave the nest and see what was out there. I've been in the navy almost nine years and have seen a large portion of the world so far. who knows what else i can find in the next eleven.I love my family to death because they've always been there for me when no one else would even spit on me in the gutter (figuratively speaking) I have two amazing kids that mean the world to me and somehow managed to turn out as cute kids despite my best efforts.I've been stationed in Fort worth Texas for the last eight years or so fixing jet engines and airplanes. Yes, it's kind of like rocket surgery only a little dumber =) My career is now leading me off on a bit of a tangent in that im about to transfer to California and become a Loadmaster on the C-130 Hercules aircraft. The load master is the guy who gets to do cool stuff like air drops and moving trained dolphins and making sure all 45 porta-crappers are properly strapped down.I tend to be the type of person who believes that if you're not LIVING your life then it's not worth living anyhow so go ahead and keel over and make room for the rest of us.Here's lookin up your nose!