Sorry to dissapoint you,
but my heart is taken.
for the michigan locals, and kids that I talk to. [:
Tell me whats going on inside your head.
You know that pity's got an ugly price tag.
I am in love.
maybe, when you think about it, we're all being a little over analogical and hypocritical.
or maybe we arent being analogical and hypocritical enough.
thats really what life is all about,
isnt it ?
making choices ?
you have to learn to make the right decisions,
and do whats best for yourself.
so why is it so hard for people to be themselves any more ?
you know,
theres nothing I could say, that hasnt been said before.
I could tell you about myself,
but if I tell you the good things,
I'm self centered.
if I tell you what I dont like about myself,
I'm too emotional for you.
either way, I seem like a waste of your time, right ?
but you wont know that for sure until you get to know me.
I'm out in the real world.
where death, destruction, and horror mixes with love, life, and happiness.
where things happen, but time never stops.
get out of your computer chair,
take a walk down your street,
and start noticing.
pay attention to what is happening around you.
and maybe, one day, you'll bump into me.
and if you've been out there in the world long enough,
you'll have the courtesy to say sorry, and help me retrieve what it is that you caused me to drop.
I spend my days being myself.
doing things, and thinking things that I'd like to think noone else my age does,
but that wouldnt be true either.
I dont know everyone.
chances are, there is someone out there that is doing and saying the exact same things as I am right now.
but that doesnt bother me even a little bit.
it just means that I have something in common with someone.
there is nothing that we can do that hasnt been done before.
everything is a repeat.
a copy.
but that can be changed.
it will just take enough people wanting to.
to do something different.
to MAKE a difference.
one thing that I will tell you about myself,
is that I'm true.
I'll try my hardest to be true to you,
but if nothing else, I'm true to myself.
I'll care about you, like you're the only person I have left.
I'll help you, like I understand everything you're facing.
I'll stand up for you, even if it means risking myself.
I'll give you somewhere to go, even when no one else will.
I'll listen to you, like your voice is the only thing I can hear.
and when the day is done, I'll love you until you break my heart into pieces.
and when it heals,
I'll love you some more.
because I dont want to be like everyone else.
so, I choose not to be.
I don't think i'm different,
because if I did, I would be like everyone else.
I'm simply, me.
but as of right now,
I'm still trying to figure out who I am.
but you can help me.
I learn from those around me.
I notice, and I care.
I want, and I accomplish.
I need, and I am given.
I ask, and I receive.
and if I dont, I move on.
and when it all comes down to it,
I try my best.
"Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more, it is willing to see less."
-This is the kind of love that I have. Not just for one person. For everyone, regardless of what they have, or havent done for or to me. Its just the way I am.