hey every0ne this is mads writing f0r jardi!this is what i n0 ab0ut him in like the time ive kn0wn him!* jardi's real name is jayden craig evans!
* he l0ves m0t0bikes and sho0tin!
* he used t0 c0me fr0m a farm halls gap way!
* he did a building thing in ballarat
*he w0rks at the abbit0rs in stawell
* he lives with rathy n garlic (t0pz)!!
* he 0wns a l0t 0f fish well they all d0..
* he 0wns a white wag0n!
* his birthday is the 20th 0f september!
* he has a sister Kristythats about it f0r n0w!cheers if yu wanna chat t0 him yu can add him t0 [email protected]
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