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I am here for Friends

About Me

bikes,music,bikes,music,bikes,music, disliking humans for their selfish petty behaviour, bikes, music, eating great food, bikes, music, bikes ,music,, bikes, music,. getting angry at environmental damage everywhere I look, trying to not to get too disolutioned, bikes music, and of course typing really badly.

My Interests

muisc, mountain bikes, good food, green places, ale.

I'd like to meet:

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cardiacs, Mr bungle, low, zappa, aconite thrill, Toto, Kid Dakota, gilbert and sullivan, nick drake, elvis costello, faith no more, levitation, orbital, chucho valdes, frank sinatra, thelonious monk, sousa, beenie man, 80s indie,


Prospero's books, godfather, withnail & i, hudson hawk, napoleon dynamite, anything by peter greenaway, shaun of the dead, the collective, dead mans shoes,


Dont own a TV but I like Spaced, fry and laurie, duckman, big train, two ronnies, house, scrubs


the dante club, douglas adams, gormanghast, the gun seller. Finger prints of the gods (im kinda worried aobut the next 7 years now) terry pratchet. Bill bryson especially the short history of just about everythng and notes from a small island