My interests.. humm.. i am a gamer, i also like playing physical sports, i LOVE to cuttle *my most fav thing to do*, hanging with friends, and... hum. egging peaples houses are fun *LOL for friends who know it*.. and reading and developing poetry.
I would like to meet anyone that is interested in meeting me.. lol..
Anything but most country *i am not a country fan*
Loved the X-Men movies along with the lord of the rings and starwars. One of my all time favorites is Pretty Women.. i know its a gay movie but i like it so fuck off.. lol J/k
Batman, the xmen, and WONDER WOMEN lol.. but my most biggest hero doesn't know hes a hero.. its the punk ass off of Breakfest Club.. he rocks hard div style="position:absolute;center:0px;top:0px;left:Opx;width:8 00px;height:549px;"