This section of my page has been empty for a while and it has been very difficult trying to come up with the perfect description of me. It's true, I know myself better than anyone else, but I'm convinced that no matter what I write, you will still create your own perception of me.I am the mother of 2 wonderful children. I have a son and a daughter that I am blessed with the privilege to spend each day with as a stay-at-home mom.I have a wonderful fiance that cares for and provides for me. He and my children are my gifts from God that I am eternally grateful for and work hard everyday to care for. They bring me great joy.I guess the words that best describe me are none of my own, but within the pages of THE WORD. So you can read PROVERBS 31 to find out more about me: A God-fearing woman and mother.As time progresses, I will add a little more. But if you are truly interested in getting to know me, you'll do your research...