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The Best Is Yet To Come

About Me

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UmmmMm let's c...where dO i starT lol...I'm korean, mExican, n whIte, I plaY baskeTball for thE UCD woMen's baskeTball teaM (which in case uR wonderiN we're doIn HELLA good so fAR), Im frOm SJ, I loVE coOkin, playin ball, n hangiN out wiT frIends....daT's baSically it (I mean, if u waNNa knO more boUt me deN jus talk 2 me in pErsoN...Im noT a biG faN of da whOLe inTernet thing...)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet anyone who is willin to meet me...