Me, Me, & Well ME!!! I'm just a tad bit VAIN; I LIKE.....sunsets, summer nights, collect postcards & stickers, have a sock fetish, bailando, bailando y cantando..... hangin with my familia & friends......Having crazy-fun, laughing til it hurts, Mexico City, films, drawing & collages, traveling, dreams, fluffy hair, karoke, pillow talk, photographs, MAGNUM, spontaneity, my hair juice, analyzing, being easily distracted, making bomb ass meals & feeding my friends......biking, reading, writing & learning new things, watching people, and last but not least, enjoying life to the fullest!!!!!
To name a few.....Tom Morello, Johnny Depp, River Phoenix, Miguel Bose, & Matt Dillon............yummy, yummy!!!!
Reggae, Brazilian, Spanish Rock, Hip to da Hop, Salsa, 80's, & Indie
Indie, Foreign & 80's flicks,
nada de
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I have many & the list continues to grow--wanna join my book club?