Urush is my EVERYTHING!!! he makes me the happiest girl ever!!! :) im pretty deep wen it cums down 2 it, i get pretty emotional if sumfin happns 2 sum1 i luv or i get hurt... i luv lookin at tha stars :) there beautiful!!! im heapz passionate n im not afraid 2 stand up for things i believe... i cldn liv wifout tha ppl close 2 my heart u all no whu u r!!! ;) takcare evry1!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxox:¨·.·¨:
..·.i L O v e Y o O h .UrUsH.
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URUSHIm iN L?Ve WiF u...!
?? I aM so0o fAnkFuL 2 aV mEt u UrUsH...u HaV mAdE mE so0o HapPi...tHaNx 2 U i HaVe LeArNt ThiNgS BoUt MiSeLf n LiFe iN GeNeRaL...Ur ThA AnSwA 2 Mi PrAyErS...i NevA ThOuGhT i CLd L?Ve nE1 aS mUcH aS i L?Ve u!!! U cAn MaKe Me SmiLe No MaTTa ThA SiTuAtiOn BcOz WeN Im WiF u iTs LyK NoThiN ELsE MaTTeRs...I wiLL ALwaiiZ L?Ve U!!! STEF L?VeS URUSH 4EVA...?? :¨·.·¨: ..·.i L O v e Y o O h .UrUsH. ? ??xxXx.x..*l???v??*..x.xXxx?? ¸¸.·*..¯..v..¯..*·.¸¸ × * × ¸¸.·*..¯..v..¯..*·.¸¸