music, pals, sewing, anything creative, biting whit, racial banter, facial features,people wathcing... things the creative kids do. and nothing else. apparently apart from that and informing others about the difference between ghetto, innovative, and tacky, i'm pretty boring. . .
homie party chi-sea-ngeles. ex-polfers and graduates.
dem brits. mark ronson collabs. jump little children. ella fitz. M.I.A. kanye. rent -'will i'. spring awakening. adele. bobby mcferrin "black bird'. across the universe. beatles/covers. rosa passos. or whatever the cools kids like me bump & what ever the bammas hate.
confetti. neverwas. across the universe. into the wild. Once. p&p. august rush. The Science of Sleep. LOVE ME IF YOU DARE amelie. idlewild. stardust. .THANK YOU FOR SMOKING!!!,everafter. deja vu. wicker park. fever pitch (jimmy, can't get enough). v for vendetta. classics, coming to america. dias de futbol.last dragon(okay just bad bad leroy brown). van wylder. the guy ritchies. latin night movie 2004. Pride/predjuce(BOTH). nearly all else is accepted but not necesarrily loved and adored.
masterpiece theatre.
any Jane Austen. the darkest child. love, stargirl, How to Rent a Negro. Stargirl. Amanda's Wedding. Bet Me. Why Do Men Have Nipples? Leonardo. KoKology... the curious incident of the dog in the night-time...and other tings
aunt dawn r.i.p. 12.06.07 you showed me jesus in the most gangster of ways.