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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I wrote these poems about me. The format of this profile program does not allow the true form of poetry to give the visual effect that I origionally intended. Hope you can read it with a poets heart.********************* JUST A BOY *****************************where********************* **************************where is she? ***************************My mother,********************* ******************************Mom ********************* ****************************No hugs,********************* ***************************no kisses, ************************no laughter from her ************************to remember her *********************Does anyone love me" ********************* ************************live or die, **********************************does anyone care?********************** **My sisters ********************* ********************they are not the same ***************** ************************as a brother ********************* *************************My brother,********************* **************************hurts me *************** *********************when ever he can, ********************* **************any way he can ********************* ************* *****what does a kid know? ********************* ************************I don’t********************* ******************** ******Know ********************* ***************** ******I only know********************* **************************I hurt,********************* ******************* ******inside********************* ********************Helpless to change********************* ************* ******Make these feelings **************************change********************* *********************Who will help me********************* ************************TIME ALONE ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *************************NOW A MAN************************Opening the book of my life *************************** the path backwards is clear ***************************the lunacy of mistaken *************************** forecepts *************************** concepts *************************** precepts *************************** fearful steps *************************** broken hearts *************************** broken dreams *************************** shattered sorrows *************************** a procession of steps *************************** higher *************************** ***************************higher *************************** ***************************and yet higher *************************** life sharing her wisdom *************************** with each mis-step *************************** rediculously silly, thoughtless actions ************************** could have, should have killed, destroyed *************************** I survived *************************** NOW *************************** ***************************I am now a man *************************** Confident *************************** clear sense of self *************************** secure in self *************************** leads by silent example *************************** leadership through service *************************** truth guides me *************************** moves my words *************************** my actions reflect *************************** my essence and convictions *************************** my free, joyful heart explo *************************** des with laughter at every opportunity *************************** unrehearsed unrestrained *************************** secure in who I am *************************** now a man *************************** able to be anyone I want *************************** do anything without fear of disapproval *************************** FUCK YOU ALL *************************** I SAY, *************************** *************************** FUCK YOU ALL IF YOU DON’T APPROVE *************************** I do *************************** ***************************I am now a man *************************** ****************************************************** ****************************************************** ***************************WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? *************************** ********************************************************* ***************************What do you want me to do, ***************************to be, *************************** *************************** someone, something, ***************************other than me? *************************** Should I strain to create humor *************************** Labor to make your lips *************************** separate in a smile *************************** do you want a puppet *************************** to do tricks for you *************************** to entertain you *************************** like the court jester *************************** for the queen *************************** shall I fill my ears with jello *************************** and snort milk up my nose ***************************to make you piss your pants in laughter? *************************** Should I tell stories, *************************** true or not *************************** And hope you APPROVE *************************** If you ask for a puppet *************************** You shall certainly get a clown *************************** Not a man *************************** Funny perhaps *************************** But Not a man *************************** Do you want a man? *************************** YES I am that *************************** To find humor and joy *************************** in everyday people *************************** Everyday things *************************** To bust a gut WITH you *************************** when we catch ourselves being human *************************** this man can do that *************************** all day long *************************** throughout the night too *************************** Can this man make you laugh *************************** With his impersonations *************************** and silly antics *************************** DAMN RIGHT!!!! *************************** Can WE have a hilarious time *************************** Doing just about anything *************************** HELL YEAH!!!!! *************************** Can this man see possibility *************************** When everyone else is caught up *************************** in the middle of the storm ***************************And I do it smiling! *************************** A real man can be all this *************************** AND *************************** ***************************Be there for you *************************** When you are in pain *************************** When your heart is shattered *************************** and torn to shreds *************************** To offer you beautiful silence *************************** And a rock solid shoulder *************************** To cry on *************************** To hear with compassion *************************** and understanding *************************** To your daily frustrations *************************** And celebrate with you *************************** Your achievements and victories *************************** To support your growth *************************** in all aspects of your life *************************** These things and more *************************** I can do *************************** if you want me to *************************** I give myself *************************** My heart *************************** To YOU *************************** *************************** Unprotected *************************** Vulnerable *************************** Open *************************** ***************************Your choice *************************** WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? ************************************************************ ***Love in constant motion *********************Desire flowing freely *********************Pain shattering her heart *********************She keeps trying ********************* *********************In spite of the fear *********************Hiding the fear ********************* *********************Thinks no-one can see *********************I see ******************************************Her fear ********************* *********************Her pain ********************* *********************Her desire *********************They are mine too *********************Someone to love *********************Someone to love me *********************Deeply ********************* *********************Unconditionally ************************* *********************Forever ********************* *********************Warm embraces ********************* *********************Long walks ********************* *********************Fiery kisses ********************* *********************Thunderous laughter ********************* *********************Faith and belief ********************* *********************Trust and respect ********************* *********************No room for fear ********************* *********************Just love-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- A:link,A:visited{color:white;text-decoration:none;font-famil y:lucida sans unicode;font-size:8pt} A:active{color:white;text-decoration:none;font-family:lucisa sans unicode} A:hover{color:white;text-decoration:none;background:green;fo nt-family:lucida sans unicode;font-size:8pt} body{scrollbar-face-color:green;scrollbar-shadow-color:yello w;scrollbar-highlight-color:white;scrollbar-3dlight-color:wh ite;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:white;scrollbar-track-color:b lue;scrollbar-arrow-color:black} input, textarea{background:none;font-family:lucida sans unicode;font-size:8pt;color:white; border-style: dashed;border-color:none;border-width:0} i{color:blue;font-weight:italic;font-size:8pt;font-family:lu cida sans unicode} u{color:dodgerblue;font-family:lucida sans unicode; font-size:8pt;text-decoration:underline} b{color:navy;background:none;font-family:lucida sans unicode;font-family:lucida sans unicode; font-size:8pt;font-weight:bold} big{color:navy;font-weight:normal;font-size:8pt;background:n one;font-family:lucida sans unicode} font{color:white;font-family:lucida sans unicode;font-size:8pt;background:black} hr{color:black}

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet Maya Angelo because she is an outstanding poet. She is a strong, independent woman, a good example for my daughters and all young women. I would like to meet Alicia Keyes for obvious reasons. I would like to meet a strong, independent woman who doesn't need to be with me, but rather chooses to be with me. She appreciates me for how I am with her, and doesn't hold me hostage for the crimes of her past lovers/partners. It is frustrating how many women do not appreciate a good man. At times it seems as though women would rather me be an asshole to them instead of treating them with respect, trust, and appreciation. I understand that most women have been screwed by at least one man in their lives, but why do they take it out on me? Anyway, if you want to know more, let me know.

My Blog

Green Energy Legislation needs our support

I just got this email from Rob Styler, of Citizenre.He is a top executive with Citizenre Corporation. Ihave been promoting solar energy since November. Weare being called upon to help in the cause ofa...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 07:12:00 GMT

Help us in our mission to save the planet one home at a time.

Stop letting your Electric Company get away with increasing your rates year after year. Go Solar without the up-front investment. Guarantee your electricity rate for up to 25 years if you want! Call n...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 20:41:00 GMT