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..Having pet problems? We carry all natural products to help with common pet problems. All Bottled Blessings' natural products are made with therapeutic grade flower essences. For over 60 years flower essences were mainly used for human emotional healing, but in the late 1990s research revealed that they work even better on animals. For more info on flower essences click here.
Bottled Blessings is the first to formulate flower essences to specifically target your pet's unique life and the challenges he faces. Simply add to your pet's water dish, or spray on and these odorless and tasteless flower essences help to balance and heal your pet emotionally and behaviorally, relieving pet stress (and the stress he may cause you) and improving day to day life.
We have a wonderful sales program for Rescue Groups with a 501C3 status. You get:
1. Huge discount on pricing
2. Free Shipping on all orders over $100.00
3. Special product offers.
We are located in Anaheim, CA and you can view, and purchase our products on the web at: www.BottledBlessings.com. Feel free to ask us questions regarding your pets!Or, you can call us, fax us, or mail us for a product guide: Phone
Bottled Blessings
1215 Red Gum St. #L
Anaheim, CA 92806
Myspace Graphics
I found some really Cute Myspace Layouts at Doobix.com