Wolf Medicine
Wolf medicine is very ancient and born of living experience.
Wolf will look deep into your heart and share the greatest of knowledge, but will demand full participation, and absolute sincerity.
When Wolf has walked by you, the very presence of the Wolf will rekindle old memories within your soul.
Wolf is the Grand teacher. Wolf is the sage,who after many winters upon the sacred path and seeking the ways of wisdom, returns to share new knowledge with the tribe. Wolf is both the radical and the traditional in the same breath.When the Wolf walks by you - you will remember. The old ones tell us stories about our beginnings and of a time when human kind first came to live upon this Earth. It was Wolf who taught Humans the ways of living in harmony. It was Wolf who taught us how to form community upon this Earth,for Wolves have an intuitive knowledge of order through chaos and they possess the ability to survive change, intact. Wolf medicine is very ancient and born of living experience. Wolf will look deep into your heart and share the greatest of knowledge, but will demand full participation, and absolute sincerity.When Wolf has walked by you, the very presence of the wolf will rekindle old memories within your soul. Through the friction of experience you rekindle the emotional fires of the inner soul and question the manifestations of your own consciousness.You can own a thing only when you have come to own the emotional experience of it, and realize the responsibility for its creation. then you are free to continue. Wolf medicine can make you whole. You will return to Wolf many times in your life as you complete and begin your cycles of experience and seek the inner truth.
Ghost Wolf the Wolf Lodge
Chief Dan George
If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you and will know each other.
If you do not talk to them you will not no them, and what you do not know you will fear.
What one fears one destroys.
I like all genre of music. Much of what I listen to depends upon my mood
I love to read. I read about anything with the exception of romance novels. I find those as vile as soap opreas.
My little sister. She's making sure I start college this year. YEAH