I love to travel. Right now I'm living in Brazil, but I have also lived in England and in Spain. I've been to the Philippines, Singapore, HK China, the Caribbean, around Europe, Canada, and Mexico. I really have a passion to learn about other cultures and I like to try different foods. As far as night life goes I am the type of person that prefers a bar over a club. I love live bands and I really like going to concerts. I like sports and going to sporting events but I wouldn't consider myself a diehard sports fanatic. I sometimes like to go to art and history museums if the exhibits interests me. I like to surf and snowboard. I guess I just like to stay active and do fun stuff.
Here to stay in touch with family and friends.
Anything that sounds good. I am very open-minded when it comes to music, because there is so much great stuff out there. I own a little bit of everything but just because I will listen to it doesn't mean that I will buy it. Lately I have been into alternative rock. I also like jam bands like Phish and String Cheese. I listen to Latin music in Spanish/Portuguese like Mana or Jota Quest. I love GNR, STP, Metallica, Sublime, Red Hot Chile Peppers, Alice in Chains, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Audio Slave, Rage but I also like to slow it down with guys like Ben Harper, Chris Isaac and anyone else who can kill it on an acoustic guitar. I also like classic rock, jazz, blues, some rap and some R&B. Like I said before I pretty much listen to anything that sounds good.
I like movies that make me laugh and movies that make me think. Pulp Fiction, Dumb and Dumber, Pi, Requiem, Reservoir Dogs, Blow, The God Father, Good Fellas, Bruce Almighty, All Vampire Movies (don't know why but I just love them), Billy Madison, American Pie, Happy Gillmore, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Train Spotting, Clock Work Orange, John Q, Training Day, Rainman, Planes Trains and Automobiles, National Lampoons, Lord of the Rings, Black Sheep, Tommy Boy, Austin Powers, Meet the Parents, Something About Mary, Kill Bill, Analyze This, Man on Fire, A Never Ending Story, Legend, James Bond, One Flew Over the Coo Coo's Nest, Donnie Brosco, Casino, Fight Club, 12 Monkeys, anything with Ed Norton, Robert Dinero, Al Pachino, etc... I just like movies.
I think there is a lot of junk on TV these days but I am glad there is still Seinfeld, Simpsons and South Park. I also like Adult Swim, Dave Chappel, and Family Guy. I like politics so I also watch the news to stay informed, but I am one of those people that get sucked into stuff on the Discovery and History channels. I like TV when it teaches me something or makes me laugh.
Anything that once I start I cannot put down...Suggestions please!!!
Honest people, they are few and far between.