Duane profile picture


That's good work. Lemme ask you something. How do you get them so sma... Hey, there goes Elvis! Yo,

About Me

So all about me? I hate these things. I never know if what I write is enough or if it's just complete and utter ramblings. So, I'm a musician, I play in 3 bands at the moment. Saviour is a regional touring band who will be caling it quits in about a month or two. I also front a regional Horror Punk/Rock band called Gravedancer, & play lead guitar in a local project, PTSD. You can check us out on my friends list below. A big thing for me is checking out local bands, hanging out with my friends, dancing or at least looking like an idiot doing it, but still having fun. I'm a movie hound, usually that's what is on my televison most of the time, or concerts. There really isn't much TV that I watch other than discovery channel or TLC, History channel, stuff like that. I love horror movies and anything to do with comic books. Been to know to be very picky on what horror flicks I like. More times than none they're great for a good laugh or two even if they're aweful. I'll admit I like video games, but I'm more the old school player, Pac-Man, Centipede, Mario, Frogger, Doom, Wolfenstien, Blood, etc etc. I've never played Everquest or WOW and I can't really say that I want to. Just not my thing. I have large and fun sense of humor, but I also speak my mind. If you can handle all this and more, say hey. On AIM I'm Bluewarp9

My Interests

Music, guitars, friends, movies, & everything else.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wants to meet me. I'm totally up for making new friends, everyday and everywhere. I tend to get along well with people who love music, movies, hanging out with friends and sometimes act like downright fools when we hang out. Hey if you can't be goofy, then don't bother being anything!Also, I'd love to meet the aliens who I KNOW exist and/or Sea creatures, Abomnidable Snowman, The Missing Link, Sasquatch, Leviathan,New Jersey Devil and you get the idea.


Boston, Celldweller, David Bowie, Elton John, Eve 6, Everley Brothers, Five Finger Death Punch, Isley Brothers, ill nino, Jackyl, Judas Priest, Machinehead, Misfits, Motley Crue, Motorhead, Prong, Queen, Ramones, Ronnettes, Scorpions, Soil, Thin Lizzy, Van Halen, Warrant, White Zombie.


Alien & Aliens, American Psycho, Back to the future, Batman, Batman Retuns & Batman Begins, Beetlejuice, Big Trouble in little china, Blade I&II, Cannonball Run, Creature from the black lagoon trilogy, Critters I&II, Everywhich Way but loose, Flash Gordon, Halloween 3, In the Mouth of Madness, Killer Clowns from outerspace, Leviathan, License to Drive, Little miss Sunshine, Mission Impossible Series, My Best Friend is a vampire, Poltergiest trilogy, Predator, Raising ArizonaRobocop, Star Wars the original trilogy, Terminator Trilogy.


Buffy Series, Burn Notice, Dr. Who, Perfect Strangers, Saving Grace, Three's Company, V.


Anything written by Douglas Adams, Edgar Allen Poe, or H.P. Lovecraft. The best works of these writers being: Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, The Tell-Tale Heart.


My parents, The Creature, Batman, Eddie Van Halen, and the guy who invented the Post-It Note!CURRENT MOON moon phases

My Blog

A tribute to me, my childhood, the present and the future

Posted by Duane on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 05:55:00 PST

About me

since my about me section on my profile won't show up anymore, i thought I'd print it here, for all of those who may have missed it!So all about me? I hate these things. I never know if what I write i...
Posted by Duane on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 09:13:00 PST

31 Random things about me

I enjoy listening to late night AM radio. You'd never believe the psycho's that are out there. Bible beating rev's, People who claim the UFO was at their house last night, it's great stuff when youc a...
Posted by Duane on Tue, 27 Feb 2007 09:49:00 PST

The New Band

How's it going everyone? Just thought I'd let everyone know and give you the whole story way in advanced. My new side project band is up and running and will be hitting clubs, bars and any place we ca...
Posted by Duane on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 01:12:00 PST

I am not down with the sickness

Being Sick SUCKS!!!! and no I do not mean mentally sick. Although.....I had a dream last night that had to with oompha uumpha's or whatever they are called and the whole willy wonka type colors except...
Posted by Duane on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 08:35:00 PST

Gigercult show updates, and thanks to everyone

YO! everyone. Sorry about all the confusion and mix up about our dates this week. If you already don't know, our drummer Randi has suffered a very nasty stomach infection tied in with symptons of the ...
Posted by Duane on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 09:36:00 PST

Santa Mira AKA Pine Grove

So I guess I should explain this. There isn't in PA, as far as I know a town named Santa Mira. Maybe there is, I dunno. But the point of this weird story is actually very scary. Santa Mira is a ficti...
Posted by Duane on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 03:47:00 PST

No Gigercult in NOV

Gigercult will be taking an official full hitaus for the month of Nov. We were supposed to play a big saturday show on the 25th, but Tim and his band are having some major problems and had to cancel t...
Posted by Duane on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 10:09:00 PST

Gigercult cd Track List and local project news

How's it going everyone?? Well Gigercult is back in the studio re-recording the new album "The Fallen Angels." I am going to put the track listing in this blog so you can look forward to the release i...
Posted by Duane on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 10:59:00 PST


Okay so I guess I should update everyone on the whole GIGERCULT situtation at hand, since there's been alot of talking and fighting and other stuff about the current status of the band Original rythmn...
Posted by Duane on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:48:00 PST