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About Me

THERE IS so much beauty in this world, and i hope to be apart of it as much as i can. i like to write-drink-play music-drinkkk-meet people-try new things and have a good time. im extremely easy going, and quite a bit shy if you dont know me yet. i never want to grow up. the "real world" is way fractured/jaded and obscure- and i dont want any piece of it. i want to travel the world, and play my music for them all-you all. right now- i could just settle for meeting a nice girl and having a good time. if liver failure doesnt kill me- then im convinced nothing will... please check my music out below, and dont be afraid to talk to me...beneath the surface could be everything and anything you ever wanted. thanks. <3nick
* Current Musical Endeavors : *
-Imaginary Us (returning SOON- EP & Shirts -4- CHEAP!)
-LIE-ONs (me&tim acoustic--blog & tape/cd coming soon)
-Cocoon (ambient/electronica project--will see daylight soon!)
-TBA (me+jared+tim= noisedancesexrock band. coming soon.)
- THREADS OF NONA - (a year on hiatus, re-recording songs soon?)
-Also im working on like 8.800 other things-(solo projects,etc.) soon!
-My Recording Studio! (now recording: EZRA JOYCE!)
* * * I have gone DIY as usual and am self-releasing a poetry collection entitled "no matter how low your whisper may go your voice always rings free in my ears" ... it is limited edition (30 being made), 10 pages long, 30+ pieces I have written- only $1.00--HIT ME UP FOR ONE! * * *

My Interests

music. art. writing. beer. books. dancing (not "mosh"). dankenstein. sleeping. tennis. fishing. knowledge. innovation. basement shows. travel.
vintage gear. recording music. designing cds/art/shirts/etc.

I'd like to meet:

my muse -or- someone interesting, who holds my attention and is outgoing. i am so bored by the very ordinary, very typical girls i meet...


tom petty
death from above 1979 hot water music
xo skeletons
heaven in her arms
street smart cyclist
portraits of past
jack johnson
at the drive in


The Departed, American Beauty, Pan's Labyrinth, Knocked Up, The Rules of Attraction, Superbad, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, No Country for Old Men, Running Scared, Fight Club, Night of the Living Dead Trilogy, Super Troopers, Beerfest, Evil Dead Trilogy.


The History Channel. Colbert Report. Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. DEXTER. Family Guy. Law and Order


by: Chuck Palahniuk, Clive Barker, Philip K. Dick, Kurt Vonnegut, Wes Eisold, HP Lovecraft, Charles Bukowski.


Jim Morrison
Lester Burnham
Roman Polanski

My Blog

My First Poetry Collection!! READ

So I decided to take it upon myselfand DIY some stuff, as usual,and will be releasing a "book" or whateververy soon.It is 10 pages long, only asking for $1.00 for it.the first edition will only be 30 ...
Posted by nick on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 01:22:00 PST

new poem (june 1st)

-So after last night on my date with Jade, and Ryan and BriXdawg, I was inspired at like 2am to write a poem, well i actually wrote a few- but ill post this one, its alright, really random, but inspir...
Posted by nick on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 12:05:00 PST

Letter C

yo i dont do "blogs" often, but i figured i might, im bored,and i write too much to not share is some Lie-Ons lyricsfor the song "letter C":its nothing major, just chalking up lines,till i f...
Posted by nick on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:37:00 PST