the penguin agenda profile picture

the penguin agenda

About Me

Hey ppl, I'm Jack, currently studying English Lit. at the massivly over-rated University of St Andrews. But what i really like is music. All sorts of music. I've been playing in bands since I was a wee laddie, first instrument's trombone, closely followed by guitar. |As far as playing live goes, funk & soul are really my thing, but I'm really enjoying the computer stuff at the mo....I've been in a coupla bands at uni, but trying to drum up support for that kinda thing in St A. is somewhat more difficult than getting blood from a stone. I did an a level in music tecnology and use reason, pro tools and cubase to make all the tunes on here (which is only one at the mo, but its late and I'm tired).... So basically I'm not out there to try and prove anything, just think this might be a useful way to get some feedback on some of the stuff I'm writing! cheers & peace out Jack

My Interests


Member Since: 14/06/2006
Band Website: one?!
Band Members:

adopt your own virtual pet!
Influences: Hmmm. Pretty much anything Simon Cowell wouldn't like, I do. Literally. Big into Radiohead (ok computer was the first album I ever brought). But at the moment I'm listening to everything from Pendulum to Bright Eyes. One thing I will say is that bands that have a 'the' in front of their names have to work harder to impress me than bands that don't. So now you know.
Sounds Like: Well I dunno really, I've stolen ideas & inspiration from everything I've ever listened to (with the possible exception of busted...). I'm just tryiong to write stuff thats enjoyable to listen to whilest at the same time vaguely evocative. the kinda tunes you could have a bifta and chill to.....possibly......
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


new tune up then... its dubstep i suppose...and its called weapon, coz its well weapon, innit!
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 08:03:00 GMT


so this is the new tune, 'leccy, so called coz its electric :)Enjoy. Apparently Myspace only lets you put 4 tunes up, and i decided tippex was a bit shit anyway.....
Posted by on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 13:58:00 GMT


Well here's another new tune. This one's called 'Tippex'. Its basically supposed to be my take on the kind of radiohead/ Thom Yorke style electronica with a bit of a jack twist. Thom York's album is c...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:26:00 GMT

i never thought we would live this long

Another new tune, again this is still very much a work in progress folks, so lemme know what needs doing to make it better! Its just supposed to be a bit mellow, vaguely reflective & emotive. A bi...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 16:22:00 GMT

New Tune!

Well I've added a new tune, making a grand total of two now (go me!). This one's still very much a work in progress, stuff needs doing to it & i think the mix might be a bit bass heavy, but can't ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 15:31:00 GMT

Damn thing...

I just realished that the rubbish free wav to mp3 converter thingie I downloaded wasn't doing the entire song, so I've taken it down & won't be able to get any up untill 11 tonight:( Damnit.
Posted by on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:19:00 GMT

Blog virginity gone the way of all life then....

Blog blog blog. What the hell's a blog then? Well this is mine. So I finally gave in and did the whole myspace thing... Not sure how I'm feeling about that yet, but I like the music thing....Should po...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 16:42:00 GMT