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The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life by el_tino
* So basically.. *
Name?: Princess
Age?: 17
Sex?: female
Birth Date?: 12-11-89
Hair Color?: Bark Brown
Eye Color?: Brown
Height?: ''5/3
Weight?: 130
Body Type?: Thick
Piercings?: 2
Tattoos?: 1
What are you wearing right now?: White T Pants
What is your hairstyle at the moment?: Straight
* Favorites *
Soda?: Orange
Food?: Chinese food
Drinks?: Fruit Punch
Alcoholic drink?: Hennessy
Time of day?: Night
Season?: Winter
Day of the week?: Friday
Song at the moment?: Weekend
Band/artist?: Bowwow
Book?: Pooh Bear
Subject in school?: Math
Place in the USA?: New York
Place outside the USA?: Russia
Color?: Red All Day
Style of clothes?: Roca Wear
Store?: Urban Wear
Mall?: Military
City?: Norfolk
Website?: Yahoo
Magazine?: Bowwow
Kind of pet?: Dog
* Worst *
Place to be?: Pittsbury
Class in school?: English
Time of day?: Morning
Season?: Winter
Kind of pet?: Mice
Drink?: Ginger
Food?: n/a
Mall?: Mc author
Store?: n/a
Style of clothes?: Fubu
Celebrity?: n/a
Color?: Blue
Book?: Drangon z
Type of music?: Rock and Roll
Website?: n/a
Magazine?: n/a
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: Morning
What is your first thought?: Go to the bath room
What do you do first?: Take a shower
What is your usual outfit?: Roca Wear
What is your first class of the day?: Math
When does school end?: 2:05
Do you see your friends?: yea
What do you do when you get home?: Go outside
What time do you go to bed?: 1:00 a.m
* Do you... *
Brush your teeth daily?: Yes
Brush your hair daily?: Yes
Shower daily?: Yes
Sing?: Yes
Dance?: Yes
Party?: Yes
Get drunk?: YEs
Have sex?: YEs
Read books?: Yes
Listen to music a lot?: Yes
Read magazines?: No
Go .. a lot?: yes
Have a religion?: Yes
Have an iPod?: No
Want an iPod?: yes
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: Yes
Play an instrument?: No
Get sick a lot?: No
Watch TV?: Yes
Like MTV?: Yes
Like VH1?: Yes
Like the History Channel?: No
Have digital cable?: Yes
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: Yes
Listen to the radio?: Yes
Still use your CD player?: Yes
Stalk people?: No
Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: Yes
Have dial-up internet?: Yes
Have AOL?: Yes
Know HTML?: Yes
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: Yes
Do well in honors classes?: Yes
* Music *
Do you listen to rap?: Yes
R & B?: Yes
Blues and/or Jazz?: Yes
Classical?: Yes
Pop?: Yes
Country?: Yes
Emo/Screamo?: No
Heavy Metal?: No
Christian?: Yes
Techno?: No
Reggae?: Yes
Broadway Musical Songs?: No
Oldies?: Yes
* In a boyfriend/girlfriend *
Hair color?: Black
Eye color?: Black
Tattoos?: 5
Piercings?: 1
Favorite Music?: Rap
Style of clothing?: Akdmks
Body type?: Six Pack
Personality or looks?: Sexy
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: No
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: No
Does size matter?: No
Do they have to be popular?: No
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: Both
Where do you go on the first date?: In the house
Kiss on the first date?: No
Sex on the first date?: No
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: Absouloty
Are you eating something?: No
Are you drinking something?: No
Are you IMing anyone?: No
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: No
Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: Yes
What are you listening to?: No
What are you watching on TV?: No
What other websites do you have open?: Yahoo
* What do you believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: Yes
The afterlife?: Yes
Aliens?: No
God?: Yes
The devil?: Yes
Heaven?: Yes
Hell?: Yes
Scientology?: Yes
Hinduism?: Yes
Buddhism?: Yes
Christianity?: Yes
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Tyler Perry's........._...|..____________________, , ....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D ...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___// "ROSES ARE RED DIAMONDS ARE BLUE I WILL FIGHT OR KILL ANY BITCH THAT FUCKS WITH U
life time...... http://www....com/playlist/additem/264453
..._...|..____________________, ,....../ `---___________----_____|] = = = D...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/.....), ---.(_(__) /....// (..) ), ----"...//___//..//___//Roses Are RedViolets Are BlueI Will Fight Any OneThat Fucks With You That's What's Poppin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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