I am a proud parent of two great kids....My life would be crazy with out them........God works wonders in our lifes with out us even knowing sometimes....... type="text/css"
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My Interests
I'd like to meet:
I would love to meet my maker when i die .... .
My Blog
my baby
today you would have turned 18 my baby boy ....not a day goes by that i don't miss you ....somethings in life we weren't meant to know why......i wish we could of had a party for you today,i will cry... Posted by on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 03:12:00 GMT
life is forever changing we have ups and downs people we let into our life can bring happiness,joy or rain full of pain.....i choose my words wisely and try to bring joy to people i come in contact wi... Posted by on Mon, 13 Jul 2009 05:17:00 GMT
love is very moving and can move mountains swim oceans and walk through this life with us in lots of shapes and forms love is never ending its always there even when we don't relize it God is always w... Posted by on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 22:16:00 GMT