Rebecca profile picture



About Me

One of my favorite moments in time was when I was gazing up at the sky as rain drops spashed on my cheeks. I stood there and preceded to get soaked. I loved every moment of it. The vision of globulated dropleds cutting through the air is one vision I will always cherrish. I think I might be crazy, but I find beauty in everything. ...and that's just one part of who I am.

My Interests

I'm intrested in life and everything it has to offer...tell me a story and I lend you an ear. My story is getting more added to it everyday. At this stage in my life I have found that I love to wright, sing , dance, paint, draw, talk, listen, swim, play water polo, theater, play the piano, music as a whole and well, the list does go on... and of course the iceing on the cake is the addition of people in my life. People make my world go round.

I'd like to meet:

people. I love people.


I couldn't live with out.


my dad and superman. They both in my opinion rock. :)