ME!!! (sike) sports, politics (to an extent), the human body, and something else but I forgot
These are only a few for now!
Pretty much anything.... especially REAL hip hop, R&B, old school and show tunes/ musicals........ and that song on the snickers commercial, "prancing nougat in the meadow, sings a song of satisfaction to the WORLD (the world)"
Many across many genres, here's a taste...... The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe, Coming to America, Mulan, Puppetmaster,Nightmare on Elm St, Mr and Mrs Smith, Cruel intnetions, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera........
Nip/Tuck, House, ANTM, Sportscenter, Boy Meets World, Charmed, Southpark, Mind of Mencia, Colbert Report, Daily show, and Best Week Ever........ Oh yea and those Lebron commercials, he funny
Anything interesting.... especially things by ZANE, E Lynn Harris, Eric Jerome Dicky, and pretty much any other African American author... Tom Clancy, Letters from Rifka, Chronicals of Narnia and many more
JESUS CHRIST!!! I mean seriously how many of ya'll would die for niggaz you didnt know, and better yetones that hated you?!?!?! That's what I thought My pops, momdukes, my aunties..... basically most of my family it's just amazing what people struggle through to get to where they want to be and take care of they fam at the same time. My bestest friends !!! you girls just dont realize how much I admire and love you all!! Steven Colbert (not afraid of the truth) Kevin Federline!! yea I said it, I mean think about it, he is a bum who had 2 famous (to some extent) beautiful women fighting over him. Then he sweet talks Britney and aint gotta work ever again, jst lay the pipe and he good. Finally I have looked up to handi-man my whole life, he is just so COOL