Zephalius profile picture


My friends call me Zeph.

About Me

The plural of "Zephalius" is "Zephalii."
But that hardly matters. There is only one.
The Zeph stamp of approval. Get yours today!
The World According to Zeph:
Being hip, according to Zeph: "I don't do hip. Hip and me are like a 95-year-old calcium-deficient grandmother and a slippery staircase. Not only am I a nerd, you understand, I'm a nerd with teenage children. That's like adding an exponent to your nerddom."
How are you, according to Zeph: "I'm spectacular. Duh. I'm me."
Modesty, according to Zeph: "I'm tempted to point out that any subset of the human race which includes me is, by definition, cooler than any other subset regardless of size. But I won't point that out."
Getting in touch with one's feminine side, according to Zeph: "The only time I get in touch with my feminine side is when I TELL myself to go GET me another BEER."
The truest possible expression of love, according to Zeph: "I miss you more than you know.....so fuck you."
"The greatest geniuses sometimes accomplish more when they work less." - Leonardo da Vinci
"If that's the case, I must be the most accomplished man ever." - Zeph
What I Am:
    Strikingly handsome.
    Far more athletic-looking than I am athletic.
    A writer. If you know any writers, you know that we are one egotistical bunch.
    Well, okay, maybe not all of us. Some of us. Okay, maybe just me.
    What that means is, you wanna get on my good side, read the stuff I've written in my blog and then tell me how brilliantly talented I am. Or what a total ass I am. Or something in between those, if you've gotta be wimpy about it.
    A wannabe novelist.
    Married, and happily so.
    Grammatically correct.
    Carnivorous. And hungry.
    Addicted to coffee. Not caffiene - coffee.
    A mostly recovered nerd.
    A science fiction fan.
    That means both Star Wars and Star Trek, although I'm not interested in debating which one is better (Star Wars, duh).
    I did say a mostly recovered nerd.
    And when I say I'm carnivorous, it doesn't mean I won't eat vegetables. I will, as long as they are: horseradish root, mustard seed, peppers and onions (fried or sauteed), or mushrooms, I'm in.
    A Packers fan, first and foremost. A Badgers fan second.
    A fairweather fan to all else.
    Quite imaginative. Go ahead and test me.

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem. They know how it's done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan
"Yeah!" - Zeph
A note to those bisexual and lesbian MySpacers who warn men from even applying:
You know, we're not all just sex-maniacal pseudo-perverts who only want to see some more pics of you and your girlfriend.
Okay, scratch that. Yes, we are.
Still, some of us are pretty nice guys. Just agreeing to talk to us isn't the same thing as agreeing to have sex with us, or to let us watch you having sex with your girlfriend(s), which, now that you've brought THAT up, um, what the hell was I saying?
"It could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others." - Anonymous
"Consider yourselves warned." - Zeph
...or reasonable facsimiles thereof.
"The race does not always go to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. But that’s the way to bet." - Anonymous
What I Am Not:
    Or bored, for that matter.
    Really named Zephram.
    Someone who will mimick the same boring comments to your pictures.
    Someone who spells "hot" with more than one "t."
    Unless, of course, I'm using the word in its comparative or superlative form.
    Please note the correct usage and non-usage of apostrophes in the above sentence.
    Is this getting too nerdy again?
    Very tan, or likely to become so.
    A liar.
    Infatuated with my own reflection.
    Okay, that was pretty close to a lie. Forget that one.
    An introverted wallflower.
    Unwilling to exaggerate.
    Looking for a hookup, or an affair, or whatever the kids are calling them these days.

Do I have to specify that I am not a "hater?" Seems like a lot of people on MySpace want to warn off the "haters." Questions:
    Who exactly are these people, the "haters?" Who or what is it that they hate? If you, yourself, feel hate for the "haters," are you not also a hater? Could it be that, if these "haters" could find just a little love, they would no longer be "haters?" HAS ANYBODY THOUGHT OF THAT?
Not that I am one, mind you. Nope. Not me. I love everybody.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:










My Blog

You wouldn't know this from trolling around MySpace.

From the Daily Telegraph: LESBIANS are twice as likely as heterosexual women to be overweight or obese, which puts them at greater risk for obesity-related health problems and death, US researchers s...
Posted by Zephalius on Wed, 02 May 2007 03:06:00 PST

My Sign from God

My last blog post was a tagging (gee thanks, Christine), for which I was supposed to - and did - list seven things about me none of you probably knew.   Item #7 was that I once received a sign fr...
Posted by Zephalius on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 02:28:00 PST


Okay, so Christine tagged me to write seven random facts about myself.    This is what I get for adding people.  Okay, fine.   1.   I spent a year in the Army studying R...
Posted by Zephalius on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:59:00 PST

While in the shower this morning...

So I'm taking a shower this morning - no, I do not shower like that guy in that video about the different ways men and women shower - and there comes a knock on the door. I know what this is. One of t...
Posted by Zephalius on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:19:00 PST

Please read carefully our policy on sexual harrassment...

What, can't read it with all the bouncing?  Never mind, it just pretty much boils down to this: See, that's ironic because SOME of you (and you know who you are) think it's naughty for us guys ...
Posted by Zephalius on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 07:58:00 PST

Good daddy. Good daddy.

On second thought, that's probably an uncle.
Posted by Zephalius on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 12:11:00 PST

Well wouldja lookit that.

Can you believe the size of those things? Those are the biggest beer mugs I've ever seen.  Damn, I'd love to wrap my fingers around one of those.  Maybe two....
Posted by Zephalius on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:56:00 PST

How I Sprained My Eyeball

In celebration of my newly recovered Yahoo account, and in response to Sarah's comment on the blog posting below - in which she suggests that women only get mad when we look at other women's breasts -...
Posted by Zephalius on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:09:00 PST

Things that look like fun...but aren't.

These squirrel monkeys are: a) confused about their sexuality; b) confused about their size; c) about to become un-confused about both a and b; or d) all of the above....
Posted by Zephalius on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 02:08:00 PST

Things I don't understand

Women get pissed at us when we don't notice how they look - the new dress, new hairdo, lost weight, whatever. But they also get mad when we stare at their breasts.
Posted by Zephalius on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 08:07:00 PST