Music, Drinking a case of PBR, Hanging out with my friends, sleeping, sleeping some more, going to shows, movies....God this shit is so mundane.
People who don't suck too horribly bad.
hahaha oh boy this is going to be a big one, Social Distortion, Lifetime, Kid Dynamite, Johnny Cash, The Casualties, The Vindictives, Sludgeworth, The Misfits, Guns n' Roses, Def Leppard, AC/DC, Leftover Crack, Choking Victim, Rise Against, AFI, The Used, Bad Religion, Agnostic Front, Lawrence Arms, hell I am tired of typing just ask if you want to know that bad.
I am not going to be lying when I say that I will watch about anything ask my friends they will tell you all about the shitty movies, that I thought were great, I have made them sit through to give you an example I even rented GIGLI yes thats right of my own free will. If I had to list though like just a couple of my finer choices I would be forced to pick The Godfather trilogy, yes thats right I like the third one so sue me, Scarface, and the Indiana Jones trilogy.
Anything that involves trashy people getting humiliated or their ass kicked ie.. Jerry Springer, Cops, Cheaters, Blind Date. If its Crap I am watching.
Cash by J.Cash, Dante's Inferno, Fight Club, The Dark Tower, anything written by Henry Rollins.
James Brown, Ferris Bueller, Johnny Cash, Mike Ness, Captain Jack Sparrow, and anybody who chooses to tollerate my ass on a daily basis