hmm...owen wilson, sarah jessica parker, an old italian lady who loves to she can teach me everything she knows!.....a dancer, a writer, the grand canyon, jack johnson, alton brown, and the naked chef.....british people.....or people with accents, cute little kids......people who like to laugh and make me laugh......
MySpace Codes
MySpace Codes
You Are Miami
Sexy and beautiful, you turn heads wherever you go.
A little spicy and a little exotic, you're fully aware of your unique appeal.
Totally high energy, you keep the party going early into the morning.
Famous Miami residents: Anna Kournikova, OJ Simpson, Enrique Iglesias
What American City Are You? music is the story of my life......but i do love when a boy will sing.....i wish i could drum......i like to sing in the car....and in the shower....and if i could i would wake up to ben harper every morning.....tribe called quest, talib qweli, mos def, OuTkAsT, Jack, Sublime, Mayer, Stones, Coldplay, De La Soul, Jurassic Five, Citizen Cope, The Temptaions, I want to go to more jazz clubs.....I hear STERO LAB is cool, and I want to hear the Grey Album
MySpace Layouts
Gummy Bears
You may be smooshie and taste unnatural, but you're so darn cute.
What Kind of Candy Are You? TEAM AMERICA, HEAT, White Oleander, The Notebook, Cocktail, Top Gun, Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, Scent of a Woman, Dumb and Dumber, Jerry Maguire, Wet Hot American Summer, My Best friends Wedding, When Harry Met Sally, Wedding Crashers, Billy Madison, Jay and Silent BOB, Love Actually, Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Hosted at
Project Runway, Grey's Anatomy, Bounty Hunter, American Idol, Next Top Model, Queer Eye, The Price is Right, Mr. Belvedere, Saved by the Bell, old school cartoons......i miss those
The Food of Love, PEOPLE, where the wild things are, White Oleander, The Hobbit, The very hungry caterpillar, Tuesdays with Morrie, The 1st Harry Potter, What Remains, I like poetry
My gram and gramps.....they have always loved who I am....