Vertical Thinkers is Barrowclough and DJ Moyma. Barrowclough provides the words, Moyma lays down the cuts. Its as simple as that.
Barrowclough has been rhyming since he was a foetus (although some of his earliest recordings are a bit too muffled to receive a general release). Under the alias Damaj, he was 1/3 of the verbal output of the mighty Michaelis Constant (For those that slept, check out
Moyma on the other hand had no access to turntables in the womb. However, it is rumoured that it in his mother's first ultrasound, his tiny fingers can be seen practising the crab. To hear how he now rocks the 1s and 2s check out
Barrowclough's debut solo album Life on the Ground is out now! It will be available to buy on line by the end of the week (keep those eyes peeled) but if you live in Brum, you can get it from Jibbering Records on Moseley High Street.