Movies,MusicAncient history, Legos, i love them and hate them!, Video games, Random family guy quote wars, Beer pong,Bacon cheeseburgers, Traveling abroad, Masturbation is goood for the soul! , Bobble heads, Sleeping in, Meat lovers pizza, , Fast cars,Ninjas cuz there just so damn sneaky, Ice hockey, CLUE, Shotglases, Spongebob,Skinny dippin in my pool haha good times!,lamas, Text messages, How they get the filling inside of twinkies, Taking random pics,Dunkin donuts tropicana coolattas!!, Partying, FUBAR, Circle of death and other drinking card games, Going on road trips just to go out driving, paint ball, Photography, Art
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everything and anything but gospel and Hardcore, other than that i love all music
To many to name, but most recentlyJuno, Sweeny Todd, National treasure 2,
My DVR is my bitch, it loves to record my favs Greys Anatomy, Heroes, Ugly Betty, South Park, Family Guy, Avatar, Dirty Jobs, Make me a supermodel, Top Chef, Greek, Torchwood, Gossip Girl and ive recently discovered that i totally missed the bus with Gilmore i know
All the Harry Potters